Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick Or Treat: Small Business Owners

Once you have set up your website use these easy tricks to draw attention to your business.

Trick: Promote Your Website

Use email for efficient, inexpensive communication

Trick & Treat For Small Business OwnersMake sure to ask your customers for their emails, and text time you have a sale or other promotion, you can let them know about it.

Use social media to develop relationships with your fans

If you're on Facebook or G+ or another social network, make sure you're talking to your fans and customers and listening to what they have to say.

Promote your website on receipts and other printed material

People won't know you're online unless you tell them. Make sure to put your website address on your business cards, paper receipts, and print ads.

Give people an incentive to visit you online

Have you tried offering a discount or a free gift to customers who visit your website? Incentives can motivate customers to take action and find you online.

Invite happy customers to recommend your site

People trust reviews and recommendations from their friends and family. Don't be afraid to ask customers to review or recommend your website. It will expand your reach and bring in new customers.

Treat: Optimize Your website

Follow these simple tips to help Google understand the content on your site. This information helps deliver great results to searchers (your future customers!)

Look good in the search results

  • Your page title is used as suggestion for the title in Google's search results. Describe your business in a concise, informative phrase.
  • Domain names are an important part of Google's search result. Choose a descriptive and easy-to-read domain name for your website. Sub-pages should also be easy to read. For example, use instead of
  • Meta descriptions are page summaries often used by Google and other search engines on the search results page. Write unique descriptions for each page in 160 characters or less.

Help Google understand images

  • Give your images short, descriptive file names.
  • The "alt" attribute describes the image. This helps Google understand what's in the image.
  • Write a short caption on the page below each image. Put important information in text rather than images.

Update and keep going

Provide useful content and keep it up to date - Your website is like a virtual storefront. You wouldn't leave a store unattended for 6 months, right? Keep your site fresh by starting a blog, announcing new products, sale, and special offers. Remember to put yourself in your customer's shoes and make sure you provide them with the information they need.

More information and support

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Latest SEO Guide For Bloggers
Get More Eyeballs On Your Every Post 1st Part
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How To Train Yourself To Read Faster

Here are some simple steps you can take to increase your reading speed and skill without spending a dime on seminars. However, we do recommend you take it slow the first time.

Time your reading

If you want to be a faster reader, you need to know your starting page so that you can measure your progress. Have a practice book in hand, then take out a stopwatch and determine how long it takes you to read a standard page. Then, time yourself for a minute and see how far you get.

Eliminate distractions

Music people, television - these are distractions that do not provide prime conditions for speed reading; or any reading for that matter. Turn off your TV and close your laptop. Only a dead quiet room (with a comfortable seat) can provide the necessary conditions for productive reading.

Determine your purpose - and adjust

If you know what you're looking for, then it'll be easier to find. Classic literature, or fiction of any kind, might prove difficult to speed read because you will almost certainly be missing out on the nuances of the story if you do. If you need to, you can probably identify major plot points fairly quickly. With nonfiction text, you might be looking for dates and terms. Perhaps you'll need to teach the text later, or write a review. Whatever your purpose is, keeping it in the back of your mind will help greatly with the next few steps.


Most books have filters, intros, prefaces, etc; you can skip over these. Skim the book for its necessary parts: Index, table of contents, terms in bold or highlighted print, section headings, specific patterns, and chapters/titles. Mark these places with a pen, or dog-ear important pages. Then, when you set out to do your reading, you'll already know where all the hotspots are.

Don't Re-read

Resist this urge! Try not to re-read any words that you just passed over. many people skip to the line before to double-check the meaning of the just-read sentence. Train yourself to curb the eye-darting back and forth; you'll read and retain information much faster, and at the same time. If you need help with this, cover previous words with an index card or small piece of paper.

How To Train Yourself To Read FasterUse your finger

While it might seem like a habit best left to elementary school-aged readers, using your hand to guide your reading will keep your eyes moving forward. Called a "tracking member", leading with your finger can regulate your pace.

Don't read to yourself

You may not notice it, but you're probably sounding out the words in your head or muttering them to yourself as you read. This is called "sub-vocalizing" and it slows you down tremendously. Try to be conscious of it, and let your eyes, rather than your ears, drink in the material.

Keep timing yourself

Once you've practiced your techniques for a little while, try to time yourself once a week. Keep track of your improvements in a journal or spreadsheet, and make adjustments to your training if necessary.

Source :

Simple Steps To Finding Sharpest Employees Via Social Media

Using social media to recruit employees is like killing two birds with one stone: You save money by steering clear of expensive traditional recruiting methods. It spreads brand awareness at the same time. So, here are some simple steps to finding your sharpest employees via social media.

Pick the right job board

Simple Steps To Finding Sharpest Employees Via Social MediaThe first step is the most crucial finding the right venue to advertise on. It may sound all too rudimentary, but LinkedIn is your best candidate since its interface is tailored to job-related conversation. You can use it to search for passive candidates and target a specific audience.
Twitter is an alternative, but its 140-character word limit just doesn't allow for much description.
Your Facebook fan page is an excellent place advertise just about anything - including your jib opening. Even better is Facebook's new "Work For Us" app that allows you to post a customized job board on your page, as well.
You can utilize outside search engine like Google to search many social networking sites - and get past LinkedIn "social degree" requirement - or utilize Twitter-specific engines like to quickly comb through bio information only.

Be active in your industry

Making friendships with others in your industry and posting fresh content streams are paramount when it comes to finding new talent. Use your personal or business social media presence to attract as many followers you can. Chances are the someone who is already following you in these channels is the perfect candidate for your open position.
Beyond utilizing your own social media presence, don't underestimate the presence of your current employees. Your extensive social media campaigning will result in a broad swath of candidates to choose from when the time is right.

Screen rigorously

Once you find a bio with credentials that fit the bill, don't stop there; pore through their online information.
Read recommendations on LinkedIn.
Look for these red flags on their profiles:
1. Negative comments about past employers 2. Complaints about work 3. Discussion of illegal behavior.
Google their name. You never know what interesting information good or bad, you'll dig up.
Of course, your focus should be directed towards indicators of what their behavior will be while on the job.

It's still who you know

There are certain truths inherent in 'traditional' ways of conducting a recruitment campaign that still ring true when using social media. One of them is that it's still 'who you know' that counts.
If you're will-connected to begin with, your colleagues will have insider knowledge on who to recruit, who's looking, etc. Social media is a great way to connect with those in your field to get recommendations on potential employees.

It's just the beginning stages

Remember that social media isn't the be-all, end-all tactic of your candidate search. You will of course eventually need to speak with prospective employees over the phone, meet them in person, and pursue them in the way that employers always have, by having them perform a preliminary task to your satisfaction.
Although you may encounter their credentials somewhere online, it is still crucial to obtain a resume. While this may not vary much from traditional recruiting methods, social media allows you to better target your desired pool of prospective hires.

Source :

Art Of The Sale : 9 Steps To Sales Success

It may take years of trail and error to master the ins-and-outs of the sales trade-world, but here are some tools that every salesperson/manager should have in his/her belt and that will help in their sales communication success.

Product master

Knowing what you're selling seems to be more a matter of common sense than good salesmanship. However, knowing how your product is different, or better, than that of your competitors be the difference between a sale and a pass.

Know your customer

A good salesperson is able to understand his/her customer. Know your customers tastes so that you can offer him or her appropriate products or services. There's no point in trying to sell someone a Porsche when he/she can't even buy a Hyundai.

Confidence builder

Nothing repels a customer faster than hesitation. A salesperson's confidence is the most influential factor in committing/pitching a customer to a sale. The more confident you are in the product, the more confident the customer is with his/her decision.

No fear of "no"

Even the best salespeople are more likely to fail to close the sale/deal. In some instances only 1 out of every 10 prospects will become a customer. Use those no's as case studies to better formulate a sales pitch.

Relationship builder

Always think in the long-term with your customer. Follow up on every one of your sales deals. For many industries, loyal customers compose up to 50% of their business. Always view prospects as potential loyal customers.

Sales objectives

Clarity to your team what your sales objectives are and when they are to be achieved. Having a concise objective will provide the sturdiest foundation for your sales team's success.

Go with the flow

Sometimes, as much as sales team might plan, they can't fight change. From markers to trends to technology, there are many things that are out of your control. Think positive - Motivate your team - Recognize these indicators and see how (or if you need) to integrate them into your sales goals.

Ask for the order

What is missing in many sales presentations is the final close. If you've taken the time to present your product, take the time to ask your customer to take the next step towards a yes. Don't be afraid to ask for the sale.

Emotional sales

Yes, logical reasoning on how your product is better than that of your competitors is important. However, if you want to be the type of salesperson who can sell ice to an Eskimo you need to appeal to your customer's emotions and excitement - making them want the product more than they need it.
"Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman - not the attitude of the prospect".
Art Of The Sale : 9 Steps To Sales Success
Source :

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

4 Tips For Exam Success

Final exams are here and students across the country are pouring coffee and holding up in libraries to devour a semester's worth of information in just a few nights. Is this really the best way to make the grade/position? Science says no - stress and cramming harm grades more than they help them.

Tips for success - Don't let test anxiety and running affect your grades this semester. Try following Tips.

Study for 30-40 minutes a day in the week leading up to the test - Don't let test anxiety and running affect your grades this semester. Try following Tips.

Exercise before you study - Exercise before studying and taking exams gets blood flowing to your brain, helping you focus and absorb more information.

Sleep after studying - During sleep, the brain encodes what it has recently learned into memory. Rather than staying up all night cramming, studying earlier and rest up - you'll remember more in the morning.

Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the exam - A healthy breakfast of eggs, fruit, and nuts the morning of a test will provide your body with the protein, Vitamin B, antioxidants, and Omega-3 acids necessary to stay alert and focused.

4 Tips For Exam Success
source :

Protect Yourself From Being The Victim Of A Counterfeit

We have all probably been handed a counterfeit bill at some point in our lives, and, completely unaware, went on to spend it. Of course it goes without saying, counterfeiting is a serious crime; in fact it was at one time considered treason in the US and was punishable by death. But how do you know if you have a fake bill in your possession? Here is a simple guide to help your protect yourself from getting scammed - or from getting in trouble.

As technology becomes more sophisticated, criminals are finding new ways to reproduce the features that distinguish real currency from fake. It takes experience and keen sense to decipher real money from fake. Here are some general guidelines to follow in order to protect yourself from being the victim of a counterfeit scam the next time you are paid in cash.

Look at your money

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, it's important to remember to look at your money. If you see anything remotely suspicious, then move on to the next steps.

Compare with other bills

If you have a suspicious-looking bill, compare it with a bill of the same denomination that you are sure is genuine. They key is to look for differences. not similarities.

Observe the portrait

If the portrait does not sharply stand out against the background, it is likely counterfeit. The lines should be clean and distinct, bringing the figure to life. The image on a counterfeit looks truly like a dead president - blotchy and lifeless.

Observe the seals

The seals of the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury the green and black sawtooth circles found to the left and right of the portrait. On a real example, the teeth on the wheel are sharper than a razor, not blunt and broken like you'd find on a fake.

Examine the border

Like the lines of the portrait, the intricate border should be crisp and clean and evenly spaced away from the border around the entire note. If the lines look hazy and have inconsistencies, then it is probably counterfeit.

Serial number

The serial number should be evenly spaced and exactly the same color as the Treasury Seal.

Fell the paper

Feeling the bill with your hands may prove just as useful as seeing it with your eyes. If you've felt US currency before, you know that textured has a distinct feel. Blue and red fibers are also embedded within the paper; counterfeiters will often replicate this by drawing thin lines on the money, which upon close examination are merely external. It's also illegal to reproduce the paper used to make currency.

Key security features

Security Strip - Different denominations have security strips embedded within that will glow different colors when viewed beneath a black light.
Watermark - There is a watermark revealing an image of the person whose portrait is on the bill. Since 1996, the watermark is found on $10 bills and higher. It was integrated into the $5 bill in the 1999 series.
Color shifting ink - On current bills in denominations of $10 and higher, special ink is used which appears to change color when the note is tilted.

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What Gifts You Should Send - Anatomy Of The Perfect Corporate Gift

Have no idea what gifts of appreciation you should give or send your customers and clients? Don't worry the perfect gift exists - and it will do everything your customers would ever want it do to. Here it is, the super gift, in all its glory.

Pen - Because the pen is always mightier than...the pencil.

Calendar - Every time your customer looks at the built-in calendar they will think of your company.

Paperweight - The device all folds together into a massive paperweight to make sure your logo is large enough for you older customers to read.

Coffee Mug - So your company can be the entity responsible for containing the coffee responsible for waking the customer up in the morning.

Thumb Drive - The built-in thumb-drive allows for rapid file transfer.

Pocket tools - No office worker should live life without all the office essentials: scissors, staplers, hole-punch, combo, toothbrush, ruler and more.

Gifts Cards - Your customers can send these detachable branded gift cards to their customers. Spread the love.

Mouse-pad - A trusty mouse-pad with your logo can go a long way - especially if the recipient decides to use their desktop.

Cookies - What corporate gift would be complete without cookies? Not only does this gift come with cookies inside - but it bakes them too.

Inside-out T-shirt - You didn't actually think your customers would ever wear them right-side out?

Stress ball - The heart-shaped stress ball is attached to relieve the most intense anxieties of working CEO.

Magnet - When your fan is done for day, they can stick their trusty gift to the refrigerator.

Fruit basket - What would a gift be if it didn't include a basket of fruit?

Tote bad - It's crucial that fans can carry their branded gift everywhere.

What Gifts You Should Send - Anatomy Of The Perfect Corporate Gift
Source :

Monday, October 29, 2012

The History Of The Camera

Cameras have come more than a long way since their ancient beginnings. The pinhole camera, simply a light-proof box with a small hole in its side, set the stage for modern day photography as we know it. This simple optical imaging device has progressed over the years into the camera that is most likely on your smartphone today.
A recent Consumer Electronics Association study revealed that consumers took an average of 72 digital photos at the most recent event they attended. 51% of these photos wound up being shared on the internet, either through e-mail or photo-sharing sites. See this infographic that reveals the history of cameras and photography that got us to the remarkable level of photo-sharing that we are at today.

The History of the Camera

Sci-Fi Movie Gadgets That Actually Exist

Have you ever watching your favorite science fiction TV show and suddenly wished those tech gadgets were real ? In some cases, science fiction technology is becoming a reality. Let see here 6 coolest TV Sci-Fi gadgets that actually exist.


Spiderman was able to climb walls, swing from roofs, and kiss girls upside down in the rain thanks to his altered DNA.
Real Tech : Engineering students from Utah State University have created a gadget that will allow military special forces to scale vertical walls. Though this machine can't jump like Spider-man but this is just begging, we can hope a good one in future.

All knowing Talking Computer

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy featured the beloved all-knowing computer named "Deep Thought", which was built to answer the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life". The Universe, and everything". The answer? 42.
Actual Tech : While it won't answer the Ultimate Question. this real-world supercomputer will kick your butt at Jeopardy. Dr Watson is an IBM computer that can understand questions posed to it, read textual sources, and construct and read back an answer.

Underwater Car

James Bond never had a shortage of gadgets, so when he needed a submersible car to escape the bad guys, that's what he got. Can ya swim?
Real Tech : Inspired from the Swimming Car scene from "The Spy Who Loved Me", Swiss company Rinspeed developed the world's first car that could be driven on land and underwater. Plus it's classy enough for Bond himself.

Jet Packs

Who didn't grow up watching Elroy Jetson zoom around the space-world and wish they could take to the skies too? If modern advances are any indication, some fans never gave up on the idea.
Actual Tech : What started as sic-fi in the 1920's became reality in the 1960's, and has since evolved into more advanced and dependable forms of air transportation, like Rocket Belt piloted by Dan Schlund.

Hologram Calls

When Princess Leia uttered the famous words through a 3-D hologram call, some of us were wondering when this would become reality.
Real Tech : Using Microsoft's Kinect System, researchers at the Human Media Lab at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario developed a life-sized "telepod" that uses a cylindrical display for live, 3D videoconferencing or we you can call it advance video calling.

Self Driving Cars

The Batmobile has long been the object of envy for comic book fans, techies, and, well - people who just love the idea of being chauffeured by their own car.
Actual Tech : Leave it to Google to debut the first fully licensed, self-driving car in the United States. The modified Prius has a special license from the state of Nevada with the words "autonomous vehicle" clearly displayed.

Sci-Fi Movie Gadgets That Actually Exist

Windows 8 Features

The new OS is slated for release this 2012. This seems like long wait for Microsoft fans. As the tension builds, people ask, what will be the features of this long-awaited release.

Windows To Go : Boot from a USB device (called live USB), including user's programs, settings and files.

Windows Store : Similar to Apple's App Store, buy and download apps from Microsoft and app developers.

Windows 8 Features

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Getting A Social Media Job

Now that you're familiar with some of the jobs available in the social media realm, in this guide read some steps to take to secure that coveted job.

Getting A Social Media Job
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Establish an online presence

There's no way around this first step: You must establish your online presence. not only will you learn about most social media job opportunities online, but you also need to prove that you are completely familiar with the space. In the end, it may be your social presence that tips off an employer of your mad skills.

Be Proficient in all social channels

Even if you prefer using a single social channel as your primary personal stream, it's important to be proficient on as many sites as you possibly can. Of course this includes the big three: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. But learning the ins-and-outs of additional sites will only prove that you know your stuff.

Be creative and relevant

Everything you post online reflects your tastes, creativity, and knowledge of the business. If you want that job you have to stand out above the rest of the pack. This can be done with creativity on all fronts: your cover letter and resume, online engagement with the company, and the content you post on your blog and social streams.

Be a professional

No employer wants to see photos or discussion of your weekend bender in Islamabad. Keep your overall social profile as clean and professional as possible to increase your chances of getting the job.

Know the industry/Know the company

You must prove that you know about the industry and the company you're interested in working for. A solid understanding and passion for these two things will help you to engage better with the community and given you an authentic voice with which to speak. No one wants to consume or interact with contrived content.

Network and build relationships

Your relationships with those in the social media realm might be the most important assets you can bring into your next job in social media. Use your social presence to meet and engage with others, especially those who are influencers in the same industry.

Be familiar with the need-to-know programs

Often times those in social media will need to know how to crop photos, basic HTML, video editing and WordPress. Even basic knowledge of these skills will make you much more marketable.

Learn the Lingo

Every industry boats their own type of business-speak, so it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the words and acronyms that are unique to social media.

Help a business out Pro Bono

The best way to get experience under your belt is by getting experience under your belt. Look for opportunities to help out friends' businesses with their social presence by setting up all their accounts and regularly adding content. Putting yourself on the front line will show you what works and what doesn't.

Learn how to juggle

Social media worker should be an expert and extraordinary multitasker. Among various chatters/conversations and browser tabs, social media worker must be prepared for a constant onslaught of online activity. Don't get overwhelmed. Master shortcuts and work efficiently as possible.

Infographic courtesy

Make Your Dorm Room A Bright And Airy Place

College dorm rooms boast little charm, and students have man ‘customization’ rules to which they must adhere. But take heart there are still ways to trick out your dorm room (or your child’s) so it doesn’t resemble a prison cell.

Make Your Dorm Room A Bright, Decorated And Airy Apartment | infographic
1.Short on space
Square footage is scare, especially if you're sharing your room with more people than were originally intended. Furniture can't be removed. Closets are small, forcing lots of clutter into the open area.

2.Dismal lighting
Most dorm rooms don't enjoy panoramic views and the overhead fluorescent lighting can feel harsh and artificial. Window coverings are either metal blinds or dingy shades.

3.Tight on rules
As drab and lifeless as they are, those cinder-block walls cannot be painted. You can't make major modifications, such as hanging shelves, or drilling holes is the wall. Forget about candles and other fire hazards.

4.Weathered floors
Institutional tiles or carpeting on the floors bear the traces of the alumni who have preceded you.

So what to do? Read on...

Go vertical

1. A set of plastic bed risers can cost as little as $12 and will give you room to stow away shoes, school supplies or out of season clothing, so your room look less cluttered.

2. Door-space is as good as floorspace. An over-the-door shoe organizer costs as little as $10 and will instantly relieve congestion in your closet. If you're not a shoe addict, you can use the extra pockets to store other small accessories.

3. Removable plastic hooks will allow you to make the most of your wall space without violating dorm policies. It will also give some 3-dimensional interest yo your space.

4. Invest in a set of stackable milk crates to help maximize your vertical space and they can be easily moved and reconfigured when it is time to change rooms.

Embrace light and color

5. Since so much of the room furniture, floor, walls) will be set in dull hues such as gray, off-white or beige, opt for bold colors when choosing your bed linens, pillows and small furnishings.

6. A desk or floor lamp will instantly improve the mood of your room, instead of just relying on standard-issue overhead lighting. Browse thrift stores for an unusual lamp (you can top it with a fresh new shade) and you'll have an instant conversation piece.

7. As a substitute for painting, get a few lightweight pieces of canvas and paint them in your desired hue.

8. Get a few graphic cotton panels to hang as curtains to add visual interest to your room and mask ugly institutional window frames.

Get textured

9. Cork boards are common over a desk area of four 12" x 12" tiles costs less than $10. You can place them in a checker board pattern or stripes and hang artwork & photos. Or cover an entire wall for a cool Tuscan textured look.

10. Kill several birds with one stone by throwing down a shag rug. It will cover up a dingy floor or carpet and will give your room a warmer, textured feel.

11. Skip the cheap plastic-framed, floor-length mirror they sell in the college bookstores. Build your own by stacking several smaller mirrors in a vertical line. Shop flea markets, thrift stores and discount shops to create an assortment of old and new, round and square pieces.

Make it feel like an apartment, not a dorm

12. Adopt a houseplant to give your room instant life and color - but make sure you stick to a hearty, low-maintenance variety, such as lucky bamboo, golden pothos or dracaena that will survive that rigors of college life.

13. Storage ottomans will give you a place to seat guests without losing precious showing space.

14. Don't hang a cliche dorm poster. Opt instead to blow-up one of your own photos into a 20"x 30" print for a less than $25 from a services such as Shutter-fly or snap-fish.

Source :

Good Email Habits At Work

How to decrease distraction and increase productivity at work when you have to deal with a lot of emails.

Good Email Habits At Work

Good email habits

  • Set a time each day to respond to emails, either once a day or every 20 to 30 minutes
  • Turn off your email notifications whenever you need to have more focus.
  • When emails turn into long chains, pick up the phone to resolve issues more efficiently.
  • Have a question for a nearby colleague? Get up from your desk and ask them directly.
For more list of sources and a look at how this essential technology impacts our professional and personal lives you can visit the infographic here :

Hair & Face Tips For Halloween

During Halloween activities how to take care of your face, hair and skin health, Read this guide for some tips?

Hair & Face Tips For Halloween

Fun Halloween stats

  • Americans will spend $8 billion on all their Halloween expenses this year which includes things like makeup, hair treatment, etc.
  • This year, the overall costume purchases are the expected to total $2.5 billion.
  • The average household will spend $80 on decorations.
  • 72% of adults Americans hand out candy on Halloween.

Hair & face tips for dressing up

Preparation :
  • Haircuts can accentuate the vibrancy of color.
  • Experiment with colors before dying.
  • Deep condition for a few days to prepare for the dying.
  • Do not shampoo the day you plan to dye it.
Removal :
  • Follow hair dye removal instructions strictly.
  • Wash multiple times if necessary.
  • For persistent dye, use organic hair treatments.
  • Apply a conditioner to hair after removal of dye.
Preparation :
  • Sanitize hands with alcohol for a cleaner/healthier process.
  • Thoroughly cleanse skin before applying.
  • Ensure makeup of face paint won't cause skin reactions.
Removal :
  • Research the best removal product for your skin - organic or commercial.
  • Ensure removal products won't cause reaction when mixed with makeup or paint.
  • Remove as soon as possible.
Source :
Recent Post : The Real Masterminds Behind The Apple Success

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Real Masterminds Behind The Apple Success

Here is our infographic of the day about the real masterminds behind the Apple success.
Apple may be the most successful technology company ever. Many credit Steve Jobs with being the source of the ideas and products that brought about the personal computing revolution. But who's really responsible for the innovations that made products like the Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad possible? The answers may surprise you!

The Real Masterminds Behind The Apple Success
Our recent post : Signs An Employee Is Looking For A New Job

Signs An Employee Is Looking For A New Job

In this post reveal the clues that tell you if a worker or employee is presently looking for another job.

Signs An Employee Is Looking For A New Job

Reduced Productivity

Beth has been slacking off lately, missing deadlines, and submitting sloppy work. Chances are she's disenchanted with the work she is doing and is already formulating an exit plan, It's time to find a solution: Schedule a friendly sit-down meeting to ask her questions and find out how to resolve the problem.

Nicer Dresser

Your office dress code is fairly casual and your employee Bob typically shows up to work wearing slacks and sporting a tie on random days, and a few inquiries reveal that he wasn't attending funerals. So why the unusually nice dress? It's time to consider the possibility that Bob has been going to interviews with another company.


Steve has been acting a little odd lately: taking personal calls at inopportune times, covering his mouth when he is talking, and generally acting suspiciously. You have noticed this pattern over the past few weeks and it seems like strange behavior for Steve, who is usually a straight arrow in the workplace. Of course, one or two incidents is no cause for alarm, but continued behavior should raise concerns about whether he is talking to a potential new employer.

Changes In The Work Ethic

In the past Susan was punctual, focused and hard working. But lately Susan has been complaining to coworkers about her work load and the fact that she should be doing more important things. The root problem is that she feels overworked and/or not properly utilized. The complaining and change in work ethic are meant to clue you in to the fact that she is unhappy with the current situation and feels she can find a better job.

Abnormal Requests For Time Off

You have noticed that Alice has been taking more sick days ever, but she doesn't appear to be even slightly ill when she comes to work. Furthermore, she has been showing up late and heading out a bit too early, so much so that coworkers noticing. This is a potential sign that she is increasingly disengaged and preparing to leave for a new job. She may even be trying to milk the sick leave and PTO for fear they will go unused.

Big Life Changes

Big life events, such as divorce, marriage, illness, death, and birth, may all be factors that result in an employee's departure. Jane just told you about her fiance, who lives on the other side of the country. It may be time to sit down and talk about her future plans, if she plans to move when she gets married, and so forth. A quick conversation demonstrates that you care about her future, ad also allows you to start preparing to fill her role as soon as possible. Emergency events may also arise, and it's necessary to figure out your short-term and long-term solution immediately.

Decreased Interaction With other Employees

Joe is one of your most outgoing employees and always has something to say, but lately he has become increasingly violent and isolated. This could be a sign that he is dissatisfied with his current position and possibly even looking for a new one elsewhere. Of course, personalities differ from person to person, but you ca use general social activity as a litmus test for an employee's job satisfaction. With that in mind, it's crucial to engage your employees on these issues as soon as possible to make sure you can do what you can to retain them.

Conclusion :
A lost employee will cost your company. Identify and address these problems early to keep your star employees working for you.

Source :
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What Are The Potential Hazards And How Can Eliminate Them?

Of curse, many accidents happen outside at the buildings and offices, but this doesn't mean that office dangers should be ignored.

What Are The Potential Hazards And How Can Eliminate Them?

Read this guide on office training, that how to detect and eliminate hazards at office place.

Canned Air

Surprisingly, canned air poses many risks. A tilted can might leak flammable liquid, or if the stream of air is contract with skin long enough it may cause serious frostbite. It may also dislodge particles that are harmful to the eyes or skin.
Eliminate: Take the time to train your employees to use it properly.

Liquids on a desk

Containers of liquid on a desk that aren't properly covered can destroy a computer in an instant - and can also cause sparks to fly if it touches an electrical outlet.
Eliminate : Keep liquids covered.

Heavy objects stored on shelves

Heavy things that are stored high on shelves can fall and cause severe injury.
Eliminate : Store heavy and large objects on the ground.
Sharp edges exposed

Desk-borne bacteria

A university of Arizona study reveals that the average office desk carries 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.
Eliminate : Reduce illness by wiping desktops weekly with bacteria-killing cleaner.

Sharp edges exposed

Paper-cutters and other sharp objects in an office are quite unforgiving and will cut deep in an instant.
Eliminate : Keep the paper-cutter closed when it's not in use, and keep knives and any other sharp objects stored away properly.

Blocked entrances and exits

In the case of an earthquake or fire, an exit that is blocked can spell disaster if a large number of employees are trying to get through at the same time.
Eliminate : Keep the main thoroughfares free of blockages, like boxed, furniture, etc. Consider implementing a fire and earthquake drill to ensure that your employees can easily move in and out of the building.

Slippery floors

A slippery floor, whether it's on kitchen tile or a worn down carpet in the main walkway, is usually the culprit for painful falls.
Eliminate : Use traction floor mats in high-traffic areas particularly those prone to moisture or spills. Be sure to use a floor mat with beveled edges to eliminate trip risk.

Loose electrical cords

Electrical cords that snake around the ground like spaghetti will ensnare even the most agile employee.
Eliminate : Shield cables running across the ground with a split wire loom, a flexible and plastic tube with a split down the side where you insert your bundle of cables.

Space heaters

A poorly placed, unattended space heater can quickly cause a fire.
Eliminate : Ensure that your space heaters are approved for commercial use. Never leave the room while they are on, and do not place them near materials that are prone to catch fire, like paper or cloth-covered furniture.

Electrical outlet overload

An overloaded outlet can easily blow a fuse or spark and start a fire.
Eliminate : Put a sign on each outlet limiting the number of ingoing plugs to a reasonable number.

Ergonomical Failure

The way that each employee's personal workspace is set up is extremely important for their long-term success as an employee. Improper sitting techniques can lead to chronic back pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, among many other injuries.
Eliminate : Consult an expert in ergonomics to ensure that you have the right desk furniture and train your employees how to sit properly.

Open file cabinets

Open file cabinets, especially drawers near the ground, present a legitimate collision and tripping hazard.
Eliminate : Post a "close the file cabinet when your are done" sign on the file cabinet or somewhere nearby that is highly visible.

Previous post : Windows 8 Pro And Cons

Windows 8 Pros And Cons

TechRepublic asked its members whether their company's intended to upgrade to windows 8. 1888 IT pros responded. See how the numbers break out and what IT pros say are the common reasons for and against a windows 8 upgrade.

Windows 8 Pro And Cons | image


Common user experience across devices - The new UI will help merge the tablet and PC markets and allow PCs to benefits from touch capabilities.

Windows To Go - Windows 8 will run from a USB drive even when older versions of windows are installed on the host.

Push Button Reset - IT departments will be able to correct issues that currently require re-imaging a PC.

New log-in option - Windows 8 will enable you to log in using gestures on a picture.

Faster boot time - The boot process will take 8 seconds.

3G/4G support - Windows 8 will detect your SIM card, determine the vendor, and download the appropriate connection app from the Windows App Store, if it's available.


No start menu - Microsoft has pulled the Start button off the legacy interface, complicating any Windows 8 rollout in a corporate environment.

Need for massive training - This is such a revolutionary version, users will need a lot of training and practice.

Fragmented ecosystem - Windows 8 does not allow ARM-based devices to join AD domains, so it won't help companies with pending BYOD initiatives.

Desktop abandonment - Given Windows 8's emphasis on mobile and touch, the corporate desktop seems to be an afterthought.

Hardware outlay - Companies will have to upgrade the hardware to take advantage of the touch interface.

Source :
Previous post : Working With Virtual Assistants : Tips For Entrepreneurs.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Working With Virtual Assistants : Tips For Entrepreneurs

Here are useful tips for working with virtual assistants - what every entrepreneur needs to know!

Working With Virtual Assistants : Tips For Entrepreneurs | image

First things first, be realistic about this!
Outsourcing is not a quick-fix magic pill that can pop and expect everything to work perfectly from day one. So, don't expect too much from your VA (virtual assistant) right out of the gate.

Leverage your time - you know it makes sense!
The number one benefit of working with A VA is saving time, gaining more time and ultimately becoming more productive as an entrepreneur yourself.

Why Entrepreneurs should love freelanced
Hiring home based virtual assistants generally cost 50% less than working with a solution provider.

Don't make assumptions!
Assumptions make an ass out of you and me. Give very clear, distinct instructions on the tasks you're asking your virtual assistants to perform for you.

Invest time in developing your virtual assistant
Make sure you spend time training your VA to the point where they can work unassisted, and to a level that you're both going to be happy with, so that your relationship because a long-lasting one.

Set realistic task timelines
Think about all the parameters in place on each task and set a realistic task timeline.

Build trust with your virtual assistant
Build up trust, don't micromanage and become a virtual vulture of a boss! Show them that you believe in them and the work they are doing for you.

Give praise for a job well done!
Receiving praise makes your VA feel accomplished which is very important to the overall growth of your relationship together.

Always pay your virtual assistant on time
Always paying your VA on time will enable them to stay focused on their work and not worry about paying their bills, etc.

Have fun with this thing... You'll learn to love it!
Have fun with your new business relationship and most importantly, utilize your VA properly!

For more helpful tips on working with virtual assistants, hop over to
Our recent post : Character Of The People Who Live On Internet.

Character Of The People Who Live On Internet

The internet may be a menagerie of psychos and personalities, and you're probably to encounter many kinds of characters in your web travels. Take this guide with you as you journey deep into the dark heart of the world wide web.

The politico

A field guide to the who's who of the world wide web | The Many Faces of the Internet User
This character is easy to spot. Their timelines are filled with re-posted headlines and copy-pasted political speeches. Luckily, constantly appearing aggravated and enraged by current events is exhausting. Eventually the politico will hibernate once their social movement is no longer being discussed on

The Lurker

Have you ever sensed an invisible presence in your Skype chat? It was mostly likely a lurker. The lurker takes pleasure in furtively reading discussions, message boards, Facebook updates, and following Twitter feeds. Lurkers are typical amongst the n00b (new) subgroup.

The fact finder

Did you know that Bulb-Bearing Water-Hemlock is the most poisonous leafy plant native to North America? No? Well, now you do-thanks to the fact finder. By using the powers of Wikipedia and Google auto-complete they can answer all those pesky Jeopardy questions with a click of a mouse.

The troll

Often seen in forums and comment threads, the troll is known for inflammatory. extraneous, and belligerent remarks. Trolls are often immune to criticism and logical arguments and gain a majority of their strength from insults and CAPS-LOCKED responses to their trolling. They are easily recognizable outside the Internet bu their green tinted skin.

The meme machine

The meme machine can't communicate without incorporating a meme or reaction GIF. They love to Rick-roll, use lolspeak, quote Scumbag Steve, and sit next to sad Keanu. The meme machines are solitary beings, preferring to be forever alone.

The critic

Everyone may be a critic, but the online critic is a different league. Post a picture to your Instagram? The critic thinks it needs more sepia tone. Post an article on the new iPad? The critic thinks this is the worst thing they've ever read. The critic offers opinions without ever being asked. They also enjoy a good black turtleneck and monocle.

The spam-bot

One of the most prolific internet users is the automated user. Robotic spam-bots can be spotted in blog comment threads asking, "Have you seen this awesome video yet?" with accompanying link to a Smart guy diet page.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Holiday Hiring Best Practice Guide

Read here the practical steps to ensure you hire the right seasonal employees.

Assess Your Needs
The Holiday Hiring Best Practice Guide
Your current staff simply can't accommodate all the needs you expect to have this holiday season. Look at your past sales activity during this time-frame to forecast your needs for reach day.
Start Early
It's true that 2 percent of retailers are still hiring seasonal employees in December, but if you want to scream of the crop you need to start hiring as early as possible. Think of this as year-round task. The earlier you begin the hiring process, the more time you have to gauge how well an employee fits in. As the years go by, build a database of former seasonal employees so you can hire the standouts again.
Train Often
A friendly and well-trained staff will do wonders for your sales, as it sets you apart from the competition - especially if you are a small business that can't slash prices like the big box stores. Take the time and money to train employees on the products they're selling, how to close a sale, and how to properly engage customers. Consider offering them free merchandise and discounts on your products so they become familiar with them.
Offer Incentives
If you are looking for full-time employees, let the seasonal know this. In a sense, this temporary employment is an extended two-month interview. If they know your intentions are to bring some of them on full-time, they will have an incentive to perform will to secure a future career with the company.
Put Them on Payroll
Failure to withhold taxes and/or offer the required benefits to seasonal employees could result in big losses for your business. Do your due diligence to ensure that you have them set up properly on payroll, thus avoiding a visit from the IRS or Department of Labor.

Previous post : The Working Study [infographic] By
Source :

The Working Study [infographic] By

Understanding the relationship work plays in our lives is important to gain a complete snapshot of the workforce, If we can understand what individuals value about work, we can begin to paint a picture of the workplace and redesign the way business approaches its people. We can create a world in which people enjoy what they do - not some people, but all people. We can build a workforce that is committed to its jobs, engaged in work and enabled to perform at the highest levels. not inventing a new workforce - we're simply creating a new canvas to the way we approach.

The Working Study : infographic
Conclusion : It tells us business need to evolve the way it looks at talent. IN a world where companies are fighting for good talent, having insight into what makes talent happy and drives them perform is key to quality recruitment and higher retention. Companies need to understand the value of work and how it varies for each individual. Why? Because America's workforce still values its work, from hourly to salary and part-time to full-time - remaining passionate and engaged in their jobs will drive them to innovate, create, plan, execute, build - and ultimately perform.
Source :
Recent post : Top 5 Fast-Growing I.T Jobs.

Top 5 Fast-Growing I.T Jobs

IT jobs are hot, and they're only expected to get even hotter. According to data from U.S Bureau of labor Statistics, these five I.T jobs will see the most growth over the next several years.

Mobile Application Developer

Smartphones and tablets are changing the way we consume media in both our personal and professional lives. Demand for new and innovative apps is growing, and there are not enough skilled developers to create them.

Database Administrator

Companies everywhere are amazing huge amounts of data and need someone to manage how it's stored, organized, and protected. Businesses in all industries will need personal to guard data and keep it secure.

Software Engineer

The future of the internet will be written by software engineers who develop cloud-based programs and meet the demands of new technologies. Cloud computing is driving the need for web-based application software engineers.

Video Game Designer

The video gaming industry shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. Console, native PC, web-based PC, and now mobile games offer a wide variety of opportunities for new game development - and new talent.

Network Administrator

Enterprise will continue to adopt new systems and technologies to help its employees be more productive and collaborative. Businesses will require network administrators to manage how businesses work efficiently.

Top 5 Fast-Growing I.T Jobs | image

How To Break In

So how do you jump-start your career in I.T? Here are five key steps to success.

Study up : Learn the equipment, language, and platforms common in the field with some form of post-secondary education.

Put it into practice : Spend time getting hands-on training or practice to complement class-taught knowledge.

Start your stuff online : Create a personal website or blog that showcase your work. Include any websites, apps, or skills and certifications.

Work on people skills : Customer relations and working collaboratively are important parts of working in IT.

Never Stop learning : The filed is constantly changing. Stay up-to-date on the latest developments, platforms, and technologies.

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Where You Should Take Your Love : The Date Decider

If you are at the end of your rope and deciding where to take your date? Read this basic guide to learn that where you should take your love this Valentine's day or on normal days.

  1. You can't wrong with the classic duo of dinner and a movie. Just like the rest of your life, romance is a predictable as your decisions. Start off with a bouquet of generic gas station roses, follow up with dinner at your favorite American-style restaurant, then check out that new Tom hanks movie.
  2. You have forgotten a birthday or anniversary for the 10th time, and Valentine's is your chance to redeem yourself. Its time to book the most expensive table at the most pretentious restaurant in town - and arrange a surprise appearance by a string quarter playing your spouse's favorite song.
  3. Low on funds? Host date night in the comfort of your own living room. Pull out every cookbook you can find, watch nonstop "Iron Chef" reruns, and scour the internet for the perfect four-course Valentine's menu.
  4. You've got money to burn and the ego to make it known. Charter your private jet and whisk your date for an evening in Paris. Stroll the Champs-Élysées, then finish the evening with a private boat tour down the River Seine.
  5. Not really into the whole hoopla of Valentine's romance but stuck with a date can't ditch? Take your date to your local dive bar. The more peanuts on the floor the better. Then drag them to a minor league hockey game - the date is guaranteed to end disastrously.
  6. Low on cash and cooking talent? use your connections to get into a unique venue. Got a buddy at the bowling lane? A friend in a popular local band? Time to call up the favours to orchestrate a memorable low-cost date night.
  7. The Valentine's Adventure won't accept the usual dinner date variations. Rent some bikes, travel to the nearest mountain peak, or head down to the beach for surfing. Whichever activity you choose, be sure and pack a picnic basket with a nice bottle of champagne.
  8. The intellectual date begins with visiting a minimalist gallery show, followed by tickets to the new German futuristic musical at the art house. You can end the night at a hipster speakeasy bar where a new silent band playing (guitar).
Where You Should Take Your Love : The Date Decider

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Previous post : Evaluation Of Subscriber Engagement To Your Site
Source :

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Evaluation Of Subscriber Engagement To Your Site

Email marketing may never be smooth sailing when it comes to subscriber engagement. This finicky relationship will always have to be nurtured with great care; however, doing so properly can achieve great results for your brand. Adopting the principles below can help to ensure delivery as well as keep subscribers engaged. Like, "Have your subscriber opt-in or double opt-in from the beginning of your relationship, this builds confidence and trust in your brand". Let see this infographic to know more about the "Evaluation of subscriber engagement to your site".

Easy Ways To Keep A Good Business Reputation

Reputation takes a long time to build but only a moment to destroy. Read here some easy ways to keep a good business reputation on the social pages.

Keep it professional, but approachable

Make sure tone of all interactions and communications is professional. Not only will current clients have access to it, future ones will too. That said, don't be afraid to get a little conversational with fans to prove that you're more than just a team of stiff suits.

Be proactive about responding

try to promptly answer both positive and negative comments on your page. Let's face it, negative feedback can't be avoided. Instead of getting upset, correct the record or quickly respond to concerns with a resolution while maintaining a neutral tone. The longer an inflammatory comment goes unanswered, the more it will stain a good reputation.

Showcase positive chatter about your company

What's the best way to minimize negative? Show positive reviews and quotes about your service or products from real customers, and display them directly on your page so fans can see proof of a virtuous reputation.

Choose friends and groups wisely

Just as it is for real-life relationships, you are who you know. It may be tempting to accept every friend request or join every group, but remember that who you're associated with will reflect on you - whether that's positive or negative.

Learn how to self-edit

Wish you could take back something embarrassing you posted? with the Facebook Timeline setup, account owners can manually edit remove status updates. If you're in a hurry, try the Activity Log, which gives you the option to star, allow, or hid stories so they don't appear on your timeline at all.

Don't overdo it

Overzealous Facebook users are annoying - whether they're personal friends or business pages. If a business makes excessive status updates or Spams fans' inboxes with unsolicited messages, it can guarantee a direct drop in the number of friends or fans.

But don't abandon ship, either

If you know won't have time to maintain and update your page, wait until you can before creating a page. An empty or rarely updated Facebook business page will make visitors think the business does not care, or worse, that they've gone out of business.

Easy Ways To Keep A Good Business Reputation

Related links : Etiquette for digital world
Our recent post : Easy Ways To Destroy Your Productivity
Source :

Easy Ways To Destroy Your Productivity

As your company searches for productive ways to increase their sales, it’s necessary to bear in mind that greater burden can be thwarted. But with some little changes in your everyday plans can be helpful to avoid big problems. Read, what kills your productivity, in this humorous post.

Check your email every two minutes

Checking your email is so second nature that you don't even think twice about it. But the emails you're receiving are likely asking you to do things that aren't nearly as important as the items on your to-do-list. Checking your email at least once every two minutes and attending the incoming requests is one of the easiest ways to keep your productivity to a bare minimum.

Keep your desk cluttered

Your anxiety-producing, cluttered-to-the-hilt workspace is one of the best ways to keep you from being productive. To ensure maximum stress and minimum productivity, never file papers where they ought to go. The anxiety that builds from knowing how much time it will take to get your desk in order will help to effectively diminish your productivity.

Be as un-ergonomical as possible

The less ergonomically minded you are, the more your body will ache and be fatigued. A cheap-o chair will work wonders as you seek to keep your productivity to a minimum.

Make sure to multitask

Studies show that multitasking reduces your IQ by 10 points. Bravo! There is no better way for you to make sure your work doesn't get done properly (or on time) than to juggle 2,3,4, or even 5 tasks at once.

Notify the hell out of your life

Set up notifications for all of your online activities, such as Skype, IM, email. social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), news, and anything else that will distract you from the work that needs to get done. Oh, and make sure every device you own is also connected. Send those notifications to your desktop, laptop, personal and work mobile phones, and tablet to make sure it's impossible to avoid distraction.

Allow others to bug you

An open-door policy is mandatory if you wish to remain unproductive. After switching gears to engage in unimportant conversation, there is a huge chance you won't return to the task you were doing. Give others permission to hound you with trivial requests all day long, and you'll be golden.

Create an impossibly long to-do-list

At the beginning of each day, make an excessively long to-do list on multiple sheets of paper around your workspace. make the list full of items that you know you can't possibly finish that day, and update the to-do lists as new, and hopefully pointless, tasks present themselves. Once you've completed a task, don't check it off the list. This is to ensure you remain stressed, on edge, and thinking about all the things you have to do, rather than focused on your current project.

You may like : Key Points To Achieve Enchantment

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Key Points To Achieve Enchantment

Learn how to achieve enchantment among your colleagues especially if you are new in your company. The art of changing hearts, thoughts, minds and actions.

How to achieve likability

  • Make crow's feet
  • Dress for a tie
  • Perfect your handshake (with smile)
  • Default to 'yes'

How to achieve trustworthiness

  • Trust other
  • Disclose your interests
  • Give for intrinsic reasons
  • Bake a bigger pie

How to Prepare

  • Do something great and extraordinary
  • Conduct a 'pre-mortem'
  • Make it short, simple, and swallow-able
  • Remove the fences

How to launch

  • Tell a story
  • Promote trail
  • Plant many seeds
  • Illustrate the salient point

How to overcome Resistance

  • Provide social proof
  • Show people your magic
  • Find a bright spot
  • Enchant all the influencers

How to make enchantment endure

  • Strive for internalization
  • Push implementation down
  • Invoke reciprocity
  • Build an ecosystem

How to Enchant your employees

  • Provide mastery, autonomy and purposes
  • Empower them to do the right thing
  • Judge your results and others intentions
  • Suck it up

How to enchant your boss

  • Make your boss look good
  • Drop everything and do what your boss asks
  • Underpromise, overdeliver
  • Prototype your work

How to use technology

  • Remove the speed bumps
  • Provide value: information, insight and assistance
  • Engage fast, many and often
  • Use 10 slides in 20 minutes with a 30-piont font

How to resist enchantment

  • Avoid tempting situations
  • Look far into future
  • Create a checklist and audit yourself
  • Let yourself be enchanted in small ways

You may like : Start Your Day With Motivational Quotes
Read recent post : Best Ways To Promote Your Blog
Source :

Best Ways To Promote Your Blog

You spent hours researching, writing, finding graphics and uploading your blogs posts, but your work isn't done yet. To get the most out of each blog post, you need to promote it as much as you can.

Below best ways you can promote each blog post, most of which are free. Print out this handy post and check off each item as you do it. With a little work and planning, you'll get the most leverage out of each post.

Blog Success Tips

  • Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Write in your own voice and be authentic, There's only one you!
  • If you want to gain readers, be consistent with your blogging efforts, even if that means you blog less frequently. Pick a frequency - daily, weekly, monthly etc. - and stick with it.
  • Have visually appealing photos with each blog post. make them relevant and original. Don't steal other people's photo.
  • Building a following takes time. Adage "If you build it, they will come" is incorrect. Instead, think "If you market it, they will come".

Social Media

Sharing each post on social media should be your first avenue for promotion.
  • Add your blog on your personal Facebook and business pages, groups and though ads (or use free classified websites).
  • Schedule it on Twitter 2-3 times per day for the next 30 days (Change the title).
  • Create a board on Pinterest specifically for all your blog posts and pin.
  • Share on your LinkedIn profile, in groups you belong to through advertisement.
  • Share with your circles, and publicly, on Google+ for added Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits.

Bookmarking websites

  • Create an account at and start stumbling your posts.
  • One of the most popular bookmark sites - Bloggers use this as an immediate-traffic-drive tool for their blogs.
  • Submit each post to to share with others and help them discovers.
  • Help others find your posts when you submit to
  • The top search engine for blogs, is a must - Get visibility on blogosphere.

Your contacts

They signed up for your newsletter or RSS feed because they want to hear from you.
  • Add your latest blog post in your email newsletters.
  • Share your blog post with people in groups or forums you belong to.
  • Add your latest blog posts to your email signature using
  • Send an email to your latest blog post and ask them for feedback.
  • An RSS feed automatically pushes your posts to those who sign up.

Other Blogs

Leverage other bloggers networks to gain more exposure.
  • Comment on relevant blogs and include a link to your blog.
  • Submit it as a guest post to other relevant blogs (with a bit or rewriting).
  • Ask influential bloggers to link to your relevant blog links.
  • Submit it as reprint to other relevant blogs.
  • Join a blogging community ( like: and exchange links with other bloggers.


Syndication allows you to spread your content across many networks. Here are some popular sites that make syndicating your blog posts super easy.

Note : You don't have to sign up with all these websites - pick 2-3 that are the best fit for your industry and focus on those. Having the same content appear on too many sites can actually hurt your search engine rankings.

Last but not least - Don't forget to optimize each blog post for specific keywords - It's not about blogging more, it's about promoting and sharing more - Quality has more impact than quantity.

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