Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thirteen Fundamental Human Rights

Know Your Right

Human right is the concept of freedom that all human being are equally entitled. Here is thirteen Fundamental Human Rights.
  • All human beings are born free and equal - having reason and conscience - state for the sake of man and not man for the sake of state.
  • Long struggle for human rights against kings, dictators and reactionary systems, still denied in many countries. Declaration of Human Rights adopted by U.N.O in 1946.
  • Freedom of person - right to life, liberty, security, honor - no slavery or bonded labor.
  • Freedom of thoughts, opinion, expression (speech, writing).
  • Freedom to profess, practice, preach one's religion - freedom to change one religion for another.
  • Freedom of the Press - Freedom to criticize the government.
  • Freedom of movement and residence.
Thirteen Fundamental Human Rights on Blogpad
  • All equal before law - no arbitrary arrest, no torture no imprisonment, punishment or fine without fair trial.
  • Equality of men and women - in status, law, marriage, society, equal rights and opportunities(in education and work).
  • Right to form or join political parties.
  • Right to vote, contest election, hold political or public office.
  • Right to education, medical care, employment (depending on qualifications, skills and ability).
  • Rights to form unions, collective bargaining.

Related : Fundamental Human Rights

1 comment:

  1. The above blog regarding fundamental human rights is giving the information of our birth rights.But in today's time all the peoples create the right according to own ease and according to their customs and cultures.In the mentality of the people they always create differences.
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