Thursday, September 20, 2012

5 Key Points To Write A Good Letter

Ability to write good letters is a natural gift. Still, a knowledge of the techniques may help us to write correctly and diligently. Because of its practical importance in daily life, the art of letter-writing has lately assumed a position of great dignity, therefore, it is worth trying to learn this art.

Qualities of a good letter

'A really good letter does not read like a letter at all'. It simply means that a good letter should have the case and naturalness of a conversation.

A letter should be written is a simple a style as possible. There is no need to display one's scholarship in a letter.

A good letter is always a sincere piece of composition. If you lack this quality there will be no force or charm in your letters.

Every letter reveals the personality of its write and also of the person to whom it is addressed. Therefore, it is very important that your letters should give a true vision of your personality and your likes, dislikes, choice, interest, etc.

The last, but not the least, the quality of a good letter is its style. Some humor and liveliness may make your letters attractive and interesting.

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