Monday, October 15, 2012

Get More Eyeballs On Your Every Post 2nd Part

Link building

I am not a fan of just linking for the sake of linking. On our blog, if there is a link, it is there for a reason. We don't exchange links or add irrelevant links. There are two types of links that can really help you with page views though. First, if you are using a "related post" plugin, look at the clicks in your analytic. They are most likely low. For whatever reason, those trend to perform poorly for a lot of people. However, by somehow working a related post into the text of your article and linking it there or by even putting a list of popular posts with links in your sidebar, you will most likely notice a nice increase in page views. You will be basically inviting the reader to hang out and check out a few more posts before leaving. This kind of interlinking can be very effective. Don't do it too much though, you don't want to look like a spammer. Secondly, when other sites link to you. they have the potential to increase your page views (some links will increase your SEO also). The best way to get more high quality, popular sites to link to you isn't by begging them to do it. The best way is creating high quality original content that they will naturally want to link to.

Email marketing the right way

I know the first thing you think of when you hear the word 'email marketing' is spam. Not all email marketing is spam, and unfortunately the spammers kind of ruin it for everyone else. Regardless of that, email marketing is currently the most effective form of online advertising.
You don't have to send out mass emails to strangers to bring more page views from an email campaign. You can simply email 50 friends or colleagues and ask them to give their opinion and leave comment. Let them know you will do the same for them. Invite them to forward your post to anyone else who might find it useful. That kind of reciprocity goes a long way for building rapport and readers.

Break up a long post

If you have a lot to say about any one given topic, dividing up your post into 2 or 3 separate posts can create a real boost for page views when compared to the page views of one really long post. Once they've all published, be sure to interlink them all together so no matter which one someone stumbled upon, they can easily find the others. Also when breaking up your post, Try to make each individual post stand on its own. In other words, if someone just reads one post in the series, is it still useful and does it still make sense? If so, you've created a series, which can be very effective for page views.

Use social media creatively

Everyone knows its important to use social media when you want to get the word out about your new post, but if you only have a few hundred friends and followers on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+, you may not be noticing much of a page view increase when you compare it to all the work it takes to maintain these accounts. However, There are some things you can do to make your time on social media more effective.
Take twitter for example. In my opinion, you need a few thousand Twitter followers before you will be able to get enough reach to strike gold on twitter. As you work towards that, one thing you can do is set up a reciprocity group of close-knit friends or colleagues. If you all agree to share each other's content (if it's appropriate for your stream). you can easily extend your reach into the thousands instantly.
If you carefully choose who you partner with, you can ensure that the content you are asked to share will always be high quality. This can really turn out to be a win-win for everyone involved. Also, you obviously want your Facebook like button, Twitter follow button (and others) to be posted in a very obvious place on your blog. I still see so many blogs with this information tucked at the very bottom, in small print, in a place that is hard to find.
Read : Get More Eyeballs On Your Every Post 1st Part

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