Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pro Tips For Better Posture

Chained to a table all day? Here is a way to be nicer to your some body parts. The rest of your parts will thank you!

  1. Draw your chin back to avoid straining the spine
  2. Attempt to keep the back ramrod straight
  3. Posture check! on a desk break, stand with your back (and back of your head) to the wall. Note where your chin is and keep it there when you sit back down, Periodically draw your shoulder blades down your back bring your chest forward throughout the day
  4. Instead, tilt the pelvis forward slightly to recreate your lumbar spine's natural curve
  5. Relax the shoulders down and away from the ears
  6. Type without support for your forearms
  7. Draw your navel towards the spine to engage the core and help stabilize the spine. Sit with knees slightly lower than your hips and feet planted firmly on the ground
  8. Take a 20-second rest break every 20 minutes and look at something 20 or more feet away from your computer screen

What good posture can do for you

  1. Increase self-confidence and how confident you look to other people
  2. Helps your brain assess the correct size of things in the world around you
  3. Keeps you on top of your mental game
  4. Can reduce the frequency of headaches
  5. Helps keep your blood pressure in check
  6. Optimizes breathing
  7. Reduces back pain
  8. Improves core strength
  9. Boosts metabolism
  10. Increases testosterone
  11. Lowers cortisol levels
  12. Takes a load off your knees to prevent injury and strain
  13. Can lower inhibitions
What Good Posture Can Do For You | infographic
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Source : health and fitness tips.

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