Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Best Ways To Promote Your Blog

You spent hours researching, writing, finding graphics and uploading your blogs posts, but your work isn't done yet. To get the most out of each blog post, you need to promote it as much as you can.

Below best ways you can promote each blog post, most of which are free. Print out this handy post and check off each item as you do it. With a little work and planning, you'll get the most leverage out of each post.

Blog Success Tips

  • Don't pretend to be someone you're not. Write in your own voice and be authentic, There's only one you!
  • If you want to gain readers, be consistent with your blogging efforts, even if that means you blog less frequently. Pick a frequency - daily, weekly, monthly etc. - and stick with it.
  • Have visually appealing photos with each blog post. make them relevant and original. Don't steal other people's photo.
  • Building a following takes time. Adage "If you build it, they will come" is incorrect. Instead, think "If you market it, they will come".

Social Media

Sharing each post on social media should be your first avenue for promotion.
  • Add your blog on your personal Facebook and business pages, groups and though ads (or use free classified websites).
  • Schedule it on Twitter 2-3 times per day for the next 30 days (Change the title).
  • Create a board on Pinterest specifically for all your blog posts and pin.
  • Share on your LinkedIn profile, in groups you belong to through advertisement.
  • Share with your circles, and publicly, on Google+ for added Search Engine Optimization (SEO) benefits.

Bookmarking websites

  • Create an account at StumbleUpon.com and start stumbling your posts.
  • One of the most popular bookmark sites Reddit.com - Bloggers use this as an immediate-traffic-drive tool for their blogs.
  • Submit each post to Digg.com to share with others and help them discovers.
  • Help others find your posts when you submit to Delicious.com.
  • The top search engine for blogs, Technorati.com is a must - Get visibility on blogosphere.

Your contacts

They signed up for your newsletter or RSS feed because they want to hear from you.
  • Add your latest blog post in your email newsletters.
  • Share your blog post with people in groups or forums you belong to.
  • Add your latest blog posts to your email signature using Wisestamp.com.
  • Send an email to your latest blog post and ask them for feedback.
  • An RSS feed automatically pushes your posts to those who sign up.

Other Blogs

Leverage other bloggers networks to gain more exposure.
  • Comment on relevant blogs and include a link to your blog.
  • Submit it as a guest post to other relevant blogs (with a bit or rewriting).
  • Ask influential bloggers to link to your relevant blog links.
  • Submit it as reprint to other relevant blogs.
  • Join a blogging community ( like: Bloggers.com) and exchange links with other bloggers.


Syndication allows you to spread your content across many networks. Here are some popular sites that make syndicating your blog posts super easy.

Note : You don't have to sign up with all these websites - pick 2-3 that are the best fit for your industry and focus on those. Having the same content appear on too many sites can actually hurt your search engine rankings.

Last but not least - Don't forget to optimize each blog post for specific keywords - It's not about blogging more, it's about promoting and sharing more - Quality has more impact than quantity.

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Source : http://launchgrowjoy.com/30-ways-to-promote-your-blog-post

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