Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Working Study [infographic] By

Understanding the relationship work plays in our lives is important to gain a complete snapshot of the workforce, If we can understand what individuals value about work, we can begin to paint a picture of the workplace and redesign the way business approaches its people. We can create a world in which people enjoy what they do - not some people, but all people. We can build a workforce that is committed to its jobs, engaged in work and enabled to perform at the highest levels. not inventing a new workforce - we're simply creating a new canvas to the way we approach.

The Working Study : infographic
Conclusion : It tells us business need to evolve the way it looks at talent. IN a world where companies are fighting for good talent, having insight into what makes talent happy and drives them perform is key to quality recruitment and higher retention. Companies need to understand the value of work and how it varies for each individual. Why? Because America's workforce still values its work, from hourly to salary and part-time to full-time - remaining passionate and engaged in their jobs will drive them to innovate, create, plan, execute, build - and ultimately perform.
Source :
Recent post : Top 5 Fast-Growing I.T Jobs.

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