Monday, October 15, 2012

Avoiding the Common Mistakes Bloggers Make in the Beginning

The term “blog” has gone from a largely underground concept used only by those very well versed in the internet to a pop culture phenomenon utilized by all walks of life for personal expression, social and professional networking, and internet-based marketing. It seems that just about everybody, and at least every company, has a blog, and that if someone doesn’t have one he is trying to build one. If you are
interested in creating a blog, particularly one that will be utilized for affiliate marketing or support for a business, it is important that you avoid some of the most common mistakes made by “newbie” bloggers.
image | Avoiding the Common Mistakes Bloggers Make in the Beginning | BlogpadThese mistakes, while easy to make, can quickly ruin the reputation of your
blog and prevent it from ever becoming high in the search rankings and, therefore, profitable from a marketing standpoint. Fortunately, these mistakes are also easily identifiable and fixable so you can establish a strong blog, or improve one that is already established.

Unattractive Layout

The first impression made to visitors by your blog will be how it looks and
“feels”. An unattractive, messy, or disorganized-looking blog will make you look unprofessional and give the impression that you cannot be trusted or believed. It is important that you choose a layout that compliments the type of content that your blog will be providing. Of course, this means that you need to start by deciding what you are going to blog about. As a general rule you should choose material that you are very familiar with and feel comfortable providing a large amount of material on into the future.
For the ultimate in effect and usability, select premium wordpress themes that allow you to
choose a basic layout and then customize it. These themes correspond with an
incredible variety of industries, hobbies, and subject matter. Setting them
up and publishing your content is easy and fast, ensuring that your blog
always looks polished, professional, and welcoming.

Uncomfortable Content

Many bloggers start their career believing that they need to sound
“smart” or “professional” in order to earn a readership. This often
results in tense, formal, and uncomfortable writing styles that not only
sound forced but push readers away. Visitors to blogs want to gain valuable
information and insight, but they also want readable, entertaining content.
Adopting a conversational, natural, and approachable writing style will
welcome readers to stay on your blog and to interact with you through the
comment section. Not only does this create a buzz about your blog, but it
leads to the development of backlinks which will bring in future traffic.

Not Remaining Fresh

For a blog to be effective it needs to remain timely. Fresh content is what
is referred to in the industry as “spider food”, meaning that it is
appealing to the search algorithms that determine what sites and information
appear in search engine results rankings. The more information-rich,
valuable content you have on your blog, the more visible you will be which
will in turn bring in more traffic.
As a general rule a blog should be updated at least every other day, but
preferably every day. Remember that every post you create will remain
visible within your blog archives so each time you update you are only
building up the searchable content on your blog.

Overwhelming with Affiliates

Affiliate marketing is a fabulous use of a blog, potentially generating a
comfortable passive income by incorporating affiliate links into your
content. Some bloggers, however, become too aggressive with this concept and
completely overwhelm their blogs with affiliate links. Each link that you provide
 should be fully supported with your content, and should be a complement to your blog,
 not a hindrance. You do not want your
blog to look like one giant advertisement. Rather, you want readers to enjoy
the material that you have written and be lead toward making a purchase
through your affiliate.

About author :
Olga Ionel is an original writer at - a leader in the wordpress themes industry. She is fond of sharing SEO and blogging ideas.

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