Thursday, October 25, 2012

Where You Should Take Your Love : The Date Decider

If you are at the end of your rope and deciding where to take your date? Read this basic guide to learn that where you should take your love this Valentine's day or on normal days.

  1. You can't wrong with the classic duo of dinner and a movie. Just like the rest of your life, romance is a predictable as your decisions. Start off with a bouquet of generic gas station roses, follow up with dinner at your favorite American-style restaurant, then check out that new Tom hanks movie.
  2. You have forgotten a birthday or anniversary for the 10th time, and Valentine's is your chance to redeem yourself. Its time to book the most expensive table at the most pretentious restaurant in town - and arrange a surprise appearance by a string quarter playing your spouse's favorite song.
  3. Low on funds? Host date night in the comfort of your own living room. Pull out every cookbook you can find, watch nonstop "Iron Chef" reruns, and scour the internet for the perfect four-course Valentine's menu.
  4. You've got money to burn and the ego to make it known. Charter your private jet and whisk your date for an evening in Paris. Stroll the Champs-Élysées, then finish the evening with a private boat tour down the River Seine.
  5. Not really into the whole hoopla of Valentine's romance but stuck with a date can't ditch? Take your date to your local dive bar. The more peanuts on the floor the better. Then drag them to a minor league hockey game - the date is guaranteed to end disastrously.
  6. Low on cash and cooking talent? use your connections to get into a unique venue. Got a buddy at the bowling lane? A friend in a popular local band? Time to call up the favours to orchestrate a memorable low-cost date night.
  7. The Valentine's Adventure won't accept the usual dinner date variations. Rent some bikes, travel to the nearest mountain peak, or head down to the beach for surfing. Whichever activity you choose, be sure and pack a picnic basket with a nice bottle of champagne.
  8. The intellectual date begins with visiting a minimalist gallery show, followed by tickets to the new German futuristic musical at the art house. You can end the night at a hipster speakeasy bar where a new silent band playing (guitar).
Where You Should Take Your Love : The Date Decider

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