Friday, October 26, 2012

Character Of The People Who Live On Internet

The internet may be a menagerie of psychos and personalities, and you're probably to encounter many kinds of characters in your web travels. Take this guide with you as you journey deep into the dark heart of the world wide web.

The politico

A field guide to the who's who of the world wide web | The Many Faces of the Internet User
This character is easy to spot. Their timelines are filled with re-posted headlines and copy-pasted political speeches. Luckily, constantly appearing aggravated and enraged by current events is exhausting. Eventually the politico will hibernate once their social movement is no longer being discussed on

The Lurker

Have you ever sensed an invisible presence in your Skype chat? It was mostly likely a lurker. The lurker takes pleasure in furtively reading discussions, message boards, Facebook updates, and following Twitter feeds. Lurkers are typical amongst the n00b (new) subgroup.

The fact finder

Did you know that Bulb-Bearing Water-Hemlock is the most poisonous leafy plant native to North America? No? Well, now you do-thanks to the fact finder. By using the powers of Wikipedia and Google auto-complete they can answer all those pesky Jeopardy questions with a click of a mouse.

The troll

Often seen in forums and comment threads, the troll is known for inflammatory. extraneous, and belligerent remarks. Trolls are often immune to criticism and logical arguments and gain a majority of their strength from insults and CAPS-LOCKED responses to their trolling. They are easily recognizable outside the Internet bu their green tinted skin.

The meme machine

The meme machine can't communicate without incorporating a meme or reaction GIF. They love to Rick-roll, use lolspeak, quote Scumbag Steve, and sit next to sad Keanu. The meme machines are solitary beings, preferring to be forever alone.

The critic

Everyone may be a critic, but the online critic is a different league. Post a picture to your Instagram? The critic thinks it needs more sepia tone. Post an article on the new iPad? The critic thinks this is the worst thing they've ever read. The critic offers opinions without ever being asked. They also enjoy a good black turtleneck and monocle.

The spam-bot

One of the most prolific internet users is the automated user. Robotic spam-bots can be spotted in blog comment threads asking, "Have you seen this awesome video yet?" with accompanying link to a Smart guy diet page.

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