Saturday, October 27, 2012

Signs An Employee Is Looking For A New Job

In this post reveal the clues that tell you if a worker or employee is presently looking for another job.

Signs An Employee Is Looking For A New Job

Reduced Productivity

Beth has been slacking off lately, missing deadlines, and submitting sloppy work. Chances are she's disenchanted with the work she is doing and is already formulating an exit plan, It's time to find a solution: Schedule a friendly sit-down meeting to ask her questions and find out how to resolve the problem.

Nicer Dresser

Your office dress code is fairly casual and your employee Bob typically shows up to work wearing slacks and sporting a tie on random days, and a few inquiries reveal that he wasn't attending funerals. So why the unusually nice dress? It's time to consider the possibility that Bob has been going to interviews with another company.


Steve has been acting a little odd lately: taking personal calls at inopportune times, covering his mouth when he is talking, and generally acting suspiciously. You have noticed this pattern over the past few weeks and it seems like strange behavior for Steve, who is usually a straight arrow in the workplace. Of course, one or two incidents is no cause for alarm, but continued behavior should raise concerns about whether he is talking to a potential new employer.

Changes In The Work Ethic

In the past Susan was punctual, focused and hard working. But lately Susan has been complaining to coworkers about her work load and the fact that she should be doing more important things. The root problem is that she feels overworked and/or not properly utilized. The complaining and change in work ethic are meant to clue you in to the fact that she is unhappy with the current situation and feels she can find a better job.

Abnormal Requests For Time Off

You have noticed that Alice has been taking more sick days ever, but she doesn't appear to be even slightly ill when she comes to work. Furthermore, she has been showing up late and heading out a bit too early, so much so that coworkers noticing. This is a potential sign that she is increasingly disengaged and preparing to leave for a new job. She may even be trying to milk the sick leave and PTO for fear they will go unused.

Big Life Changes

Big life events, such as divorce, marriage, illness, death, and birth, may all be factors that result in an employee's departure. Jane just told you about her fiance, who lives on the other side of the country. It may be time to sit down and talk about her future plans, if she plans to move when she gets married, and so forth. A quick conversation demonstrates that you care about her future, ad also allows you to start preparing to fill her role as soon as possible. Emergency events may also arise, and it's necessary to figure out your short-term and long-term solution immediately.

Decreased Interaction With other Employees

Joe is one of your most outgoing employees and always has something to say, but lately he has become increasingly violent and isolated. This could be a sign that he is dissatisfied with his current position and possibly even looking for a new one elsewhere. Of course, personalities differ from person to person, but you ca use general social activity as a litmus test for an employee's job satisfaction. With that in mind, it's crucial to engage your employees on these issues as soon as possible to make sure you can do what you can to retain them.

Conclusion :
A lost employee will cost your company. Identify and address these problems early to keep your star employees working for you.

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