Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Easy Ways To Destroy Your Productivity

As your company searches for productive ways to increase their sales, it’s necessary to bear in mind that greater burden can be thwarted. But with some little changes in your everyday plans can be helpful to avoid big problems. Read, what kills your productivity, in this humorous post.

Check your email every two minutes

Checking your email is so second nature that you don't even think twice about it. But the emails you're receiving are likely asking you to do things that aren't nearly as important as the items on your to-do-list. Checking your email at least once every two minutes and attending the incoming requests is one of the easiest ways to keep your productivity to a bare minimum.

Keep your desk cluttered

Your anxiety-producing, cluttered-to-the-hilt workspace is one of the best ways to keep you from being productive. To ensure maximum stress and minimum productivity, never file papers where they ought to go. The anxiety that builds from knowing how much time it will take to get your desk in order will help to effectively diminish your productivity.

Be as un-ergonomical as possible

The less ergonomically minded you are, the more your body will ache and be fatigued. A cheap-o chair will work wonders as you seek to keep your productivity to a minimum.

Make sure to multitask

Studies show that multitasking reduces your IQ by 10 points. Bravo! There is no better way for you to make sure your work doesn't get done properly (or on time) than to juggle 2,3,4, or even 5 tasks at once.

Notify the hell out of your life

Set up notifications for all of your online activities, such as Skype, IM, email. social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), news, and anything else that will distract you from the work that needs to get done. Oh, and make sure every device you own is also connected. Send those notifications to your desktop, laptop, personal and work mobile phones, and tablet to make sure it's impossible to avoid distraction.

Allow others to bug you

An open-door policy is mandatory if you wish to remain unproductive. After switching gears to engage in unimportant conversation, there is a huge chance you won't return to the task you were doing. Give others permission to hound you with trivial requests all day long, and you'll be golden.

Create an impossibly long to-do-list

At the beginning of each day, make an excessively long to-do list on multiple sheets of paper around your workspace. make the list full of items that you know you can't possibly finish that day, and update the to-do lists as new, and hopefully pointless, tasks present themselves. Once you've completed a task, don't check it off the list. This is to ensure you remain stressed, on edge, and thinking about all the things you have to do, rather than focused on your current project.

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