Friday, October 26, 2012

Working With Virtual Assistants : Tips For Entrepreneurs

Here are useful tips for working with virtual assistants - what every entrepreneur needs to know!

Working With Virtual Assistants : Tips For Entrepreneurs | image

First things first, be realistic about this!
Outsourcing is not a quick-fix magic pill that can pop and expect everything to work perfectly from day one. So, don't expect too much from your VA (virtual assistant) right out of the gate.

Leverage your time - you know it makes sense!
The number one benefit of working with A VA is saving time, gaining more time and ultimately becoming more productive as an entrepreneur yourself.

Why Entrepreneurs should love freelanced
Hiring home based virtual assistants generally cost 50% less than working with a solution provider.

Don't make assumptions!
Assumptions make an ass out of you and me. Give very clear, distinct instructions on the tasks you're asking your virtual assistants to perform for you.

Invest time in developing your virtual assistant
Make sure you spend time training your VA to the point where they can work unassisted, and to a level that you're both going to be happy with, so that your relationship because a long-lasting one.

Set realistic task timelines
Think about all the parameters in place on each task and set a realistic task timeline.

Build trust with your virtual assistant
Build up trust, don't micromanage and become a virtual vulture of a boss! Show them that you believe in them and the work they are doing for you.

Give praise for a job well done!
Receiving praise makes your VA feel accomplished which is very important to the overall growth of your relationship together.

Always pay your virtual assistant on time
Always paying your VA on time will enable them to stay focused on their work and not worry about paying their bills, etc.

Have fun with this thing... You'll learn to love it!
Have fun with your new business relationship and most importantly, utilize your VA properly!

For more helpful tips on working with virtual assistants, hop over to
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