Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Future Of Food : Failed Food Imports Into Australia

Much of our food is imported from different countries, assuming it meets our food standards. This data visualization report looks at rejected food imports into Australia and other countries, where they come from and why they were rejected.

Customs rejects food intended for Australian markets that does not reach certain standards. Click a country of origin on the map to see what kind of food did not make the grade. Data draws on reports between January 2010 and April 2012. Countries are shaded darker according to the number of rejections.

What do the fail types mean?

Chemical: Chemicals detected in excess of safe amounts.
Composition: additives not permitted in certain types of food or drink.
Contaminant: Hazardous substances detected in excess of safe amounts.
Micro: Bacteria such as E. coli, salmonella and listeria monocytogenes.
Other: Other reasons including incorrect documentation or food irradiated by X-rays.
Visual: Food not fit for consumption, infested with insects, mouldy or in damaged packaging.

Know, Where is the failed food coming from? in below data viz. Click on a country to see failed food imports from that location.

Source :
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