Monday, October 1, 2012

Do You Know Why Do We Dream?

Dreams are in reality, a psychological phenomenon. It is a specialty with human beings to see dreams. Some of these dreams are very romantic, and due to this reason even some places, if they are extremely charming, are called dreamland in common talk. The stuff of which dreams are made may be good or bad, but the form which most of our dreams take are usually beautiful. Psychologists have a sound reason for it. They say that our unconscious mind is often showing itself in dreams. It has to disguise itself in better forms due to the fear of the guard of the conscious mind.

Dreams are stimulated by various objects. According to Freud (An eminent psychologist) there are four stimuli for dreams. The first of these is the external stimulus. When we go to sleep we are not totally cut off, to the outside world. A mosquito may bite us, the clouds may roar and the time-piece may ring the alarm bell. These are the external things which stimulate us to seeing dreams. We may see in our dreams that a thief has entered our house and we are going to fight with him; whereas, in reality only a friend of ours who entered the room silently, has made a little noise while opening the door. Various experiments have been done to prove this fact.
The second types of stimulus is the internal organic stimulus. There are number of parts in our body which work automatically. Sometimes it so happens that some part of our body, to perform its due function, slows down. Under these circumstances we see dreams which, in one way or the other, are related with illness or deficiency. We can easily interpret these dreams into words and with a bit of intelligence, one can know accurately what such dreams mean.
The third type of stimulus is the internal sensory stimulus. It is based on the theory that our five senses do their normal work during the sleep period as well. If a man sleeping and red light is placed before his eyelids, he will quite easily see such a dream as might easily be traced back to the red light, e.g he may see a red rose or red blood in his dream.
Lastly there are some psychological stimuli. We usually think about some things or the other in our common day to day life. These things are both charming and repulsive. Repulsive objects are soon transferred through our conscious mind to our unconscious mind, as we want to forget them. Those ideas which are stored up in our unconscious mind, come out in the form of dreams and 'the mice play on the stage while we are sleeping soundly'.
Dreams are of various types. Some of these dreams are purely physiological and we see them due to one physical disturbance or the other. A man may see that he is being strangled, whereas in reality, his physical thirst may be the real cause of this dream.
Then, there are those dreams which according to Freud, are wish-fulfillment, he says that some time it is so happens that we can't fulfill our desires in our waking life due to certain unavoidable circumstances. Such desires go into the cell of our unconscious part of brain and come out again at night in the form of dreams. But these wishes are often so disguised that we cannot recognized them, at the very outset. A beggar, according to this theory, sees in his dream that he is a prince. An old man, sometimes, sees that he is a child once again, simply because he cannot become a boy in his waking life. A famous writer says,'What devils do in their waking life, saints do in their dreams'. Such dreams have been the material of psychological research for the last fifty years. Today Psycho-analysts can interpret more and more of these dreams. These dreams are complex because one cannot be sure of the duration after which the wish gets fulfilled in the dreams. It is possible that a wish may come in a dream after 10, 20 or even 50 years. The third type of dreams are those which are force-telling of future events. Such were the dreams of Prophet Jacob and the king of Egypt, as described in the Holy Books. Prophet Jacob saw in his dreams that the sun and the stars were bowing to him. It was an indication his parents and his parents and his eleven brothers would follow his creed. Similarly, the King of Egypt saw in his dream that there were seven fat cows and seven lean ones. This dream came true in this way that seven years of prosperity were followed by seven years hardship. Thus, many dreams come true. Hence, it has been proved that our dreams have also some reality as their basis.
There has been done much work on the problem of dreams and their interpretation, but still this mystery has not been fully solved. We in need of more and more understanding of dreams. So keep dreaming.

infographic | Do You Know Why Do We Dream? |

Related : Sleep and Dream Facts Statistics
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