Thursday, October 4, 2012

Keeping Your Visitors Safe: WordPress Hosting Security

Making sure your site is secure is a part of being profitable for any
commercial Internet site. For a personal Internet site, it's basic
netiquette. Web administrators are in a position to make decisions that
could put the security of their visitor's computers at risk. Many of the
most high-profile viruses and malware incidents have started with companies
that weren't diligent about the security of their visitors and who ended up
playing host to something that compromised the security of the people who
came to visit their sites. Here are some things to watch out for to make
certain that you don't end up causing problems for your visitors.


One of the ways that HTML designers can lay content out on the page is to
use a frame. When designers use a frame, they section off the webpage you
see on your screen into individual parts. Each of these parts can pull a
webpage from a different destination. This was a more popular way to design
pages in the past than it is today. One of the vulnerabilities that this
form of design introduces into webpages has to do with the fact that there
isn't a lower limit on the size of the frame. A designer can insert a very
tiny frame – an invisible frame, as a matter of fact, – into a webpage
and run code in that page that causes your computer to download a virus or
another piece of malicious software.

If you're taking advertisements from a dubious source, you may put your
visitors at risk of being the victims of such a security breach. These are
usually called drive-by downloads. You'll lose a lot of visitors if they
figure out that they're constantly getting malware from your site.

Invalid Code

If you're using a WordPress theme, the programming on your site will have
been done for you by a professional. If you built your own site, your always
at risk of having invalid code among your pages. In some cases, code that is
improperly written can offer opportunities for skilled hackers to gain
access to your site. Make certain that you validate any code you have
written on your own and make certain that any themes you use are validated,
as well. Always apply updates when they are made available for your theme:
They oftentimes have to do with security.

If you have a membership section on your site, make certain that you protect
this information as if it were your own. You'll need a secure server set up
if you are collecting any personal information that puts people at risk of
being exploited financially or of having their identity stolen. Talk to your
web host about getting a secure server so that you can ensure your visitors
that their information is protected.

If you process credit cards or take other forms of payment on your server,
you have to spend the money to make certain that you are safeguarding your
client's information appropriately. Talk to your web host about what they
would recommend for e-commerce. The recommendations sometimes change due to
newly discovered security risks, so make sure you get the most current
information available and that you set up your server accordingly.

Image | Keeping Your Visitors Safe: WordPress Hosting Security | blogpad - technology tips
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This guest post written by Irene Perlog, she is a dedicated writer at - Where she writes a vpn review on providers like PrivateInternet Access (only original and objective reviews).

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