Sunday, July 29, 2012

Most Popular Free Blog Hosting Websites

Make Money From Blogs

Blog is best platform to share opinions and information either for common people or a company/group where people update their product's news regularly, we can call blog as a mini website. But trend is changing for blogging, now blogs are using for generating extra revenue on the net. If you want to earn money online then it is very easy to access a very blog with free hosting platforms. Making money with blogs is so simple if you are beginner in this field just remember few things made a good blog name means first thing that you should know that what you need to write about. After a sensible blog address, publish always unique content on your blog if you think that to copy and paste is a shortcut then you are totally wrong because if you have some duplicate data on your blog, Google will never rank your site as a result you will never get traffic on your site and last thing made quality baclinks from other sites and submit your blog to search engines and directories for more organic traffic to your blog. Join affiliate programs or apply for Adsense to your blog to start generating revenue.

Free Blog Hosting Websites List

Blog is the best place to share your ideas, opinions, information and news on the internet, so I decided to share most popular blogging websites where you can host a free blog.

 As I have discussed that Google has many free applications and services for their all users. Google is giving away blog hosting service from 1999 on and became number one blogging platform in the world as you can see I am also using it. Blogger is very easy to use all you need to have an account on Google or you can make a new account and sign in here and blogger have so many similarities Wordpress is also provide free blog service and you don't need to learn any HTML or programming to make blogging on Wordpress just need some basic skills if you have used M.S Word then you can easily use Wordpress for making a free blog. is a very nice blogging website and has a very good look. This site has amazing features and widgets to publish your voice and stories in front of  vast web communities for free. is also a free platform to make a free blog which offers professional and customizable applications. Is a fantastic online space where you can share tips and tricks, reviews and advises with large number of writers, authors and readers. This service is also free and after 5 to 10 posts you can directly apply for Adsense to earn money from advertisement. is also a popular for creating free webpages where you can create a collection of the things you know and love. is a free blog or website hosting platform for beginners with very easy and most  powerful website building tools.

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