Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Youth - a Period Of Strain And Stress

Youth is the period of life between childhood and old age. But there are different interpretation. Some people are of the opinion that youth excludes both, the middle-age and adolescence. Such people limit the word 'youth' only to a period from 20 to 35 years of age. They hold that one has the qualities of a young man only during this period. There are others who say that youth is not merely this short period of 15 years, out of the total life of a man, but that, it lasts for almost 30 years - from 15 to 45 years of age. Such people include the time of adolescence and middle age too in 'youth'. So, for the purpose of discussion here we are using the word 'youth' for the period from 20 to 40 years of age of a man's life.
By the term 'strain and stress' we mean the zeal and enthusiasm which one exhibits during the period of youth. Strain does not here mean the outside storm, but the storm inside a man's mind. This storm can be of various types. It can be a storm of instinctive activities or physical and mental capabilities. A man or woman is physically and mentally in the best condition of action in this period. The word 'stress' means the strain which a person has to undergo in this period of life.

Youth, no doubt, is a period of strain and stress. It is in this period that a man's mental and physical abilities are at full swing. At this time a youngster is quite strong and tough. He can work at a stretch for eighteen hours. It is at this stage of life that a man can perform great deeds.
In youth, side with his physical powers, man's mental capabilities too are sharp and bright to the highest degree. All the work of discoveries and inventions was done by great scientists during this very period of 'strain and stress'. There are various reasons why a man can be of much use in this period. Looking into the matter physiologically, we see that the circulation of blood and respiration are faster in youth than at other stages. Due to this reason there is an extraordinary force and energy in every young man. It creates enthusiasm and zeal ,the land-marks of youth. It is due to this basic reason that many great things are achieved by youngsters during this period.
Picture of Youth - A Period Of Strain and Stress on BlogpadPsychologically speaking, the mind of a youngster is more sharp and more capable of work, during his youth. As man grows older, his brain tissues and cells begin to decay and ultimately his mental grip becomes loose.
Now, let us see what achievements have been made by great youngsters of the world during this period of 'strain and stress'. Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered Sindh when he was only seventeen. Alexander, the Great conquered the world when he was only twenty-four years old. On his way he came to India 326 B.C, conquering each and every land which fell in his way. This shows his mental as well as physical ability. The same was the case with Napoleon, the great. In the history of the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, we find that many young kings did far better deeds for the welfare of their regime than older ones could do.
In the field of scientific research too we can see that young people have always contributed for more to the treasure of science than older scientist could. Every scientist gave more knowledge to the world in this youth than he could in his old age. Einstein presented his famous 'Theory of Relativity' during his youth. But when he became famous due to this theory and grew older, he did not present equally new ideas, though he had good chance to do so. In the history of literature too we find people like Keats and Hamid Nizami who gave much more to literature in their youth many of their predecessors could, with a longer life. Almost all of them died young, yet they become more famous than other poets and writers of their day, who wrote a greater number of poems and articles till their old age.

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