Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Perfect Person In The History Of All Time

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the only messenger and man in the history whose entire life record is fully preserved. All his sayings, doings and actions have being preserved in the form of Quran and Hadith and fully known. His life is the perfect and comprehensive ideal for the humanity to follow. He taught people to be honest, piety and just in every matter of life. He formulated the law of the morality and sociology along with the laws of war and peace. He worked in various capacities; as a herdsman, as a trader, as a philosopher, as a chief and military commander and set an example in every sphere of life for humanity. He preached the Islam which is nothing but the moderate way of life; avoiding both extremes of right and left. The living of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) gives the lesson of love, kindness and respects, the Quran describes the personality of Muhammad (SAW) in these words :

"And you (stand) on an exalted standard of character"
Some one inquired about his character and manners from his wife Aisha (RA), she replied that the Quran was his character, he not only taught the Holy Quran verbally, but practiced it as well. He never acrid any of the servants and never took revenge. In sort, He is a perfect Role-Model of goodness and excellence, the people who believe in Islam and Allah and hope for the judgement-day after death, can find him in a true ideal and excellence place. Muhammad(PBUH) is like a best jewel in a true sense and the perfect man in the history.

The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History.

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