Friday, September 7, 2012

Student Life In Our Country And Politic

Student life is a period of preparation for the future. In this period one is expected to make an all round development - mental, moral and physical. life is a struggle and a kind of battle. Just as a soldier is not sent to the front of enemy without proper training, in the same way, a young man or woman is not fit to enter the battle of life without an adequate training and preparation for it. But there is a different between the training for war and the training for the struggle of life. A soldier is trained only in those trades which has to pursue on the battlefield. For instance, he is trained to shoot the enemy and to defend himself. But, a student's future life cannot be foretold unless he has received some professional training. And even in that case, it is possible that he may change his profession at some later stage of life. The student, therefore, is given a general training for the struggle of life. We can call it a training of head and heart. His mental faculties are so developed, that he is able to think and decide for himself. His character is strengthened and abilities are improved so that he may do well in his coming life. Thus, a student is trained to be a good citizen.

Now the question arises whether at this formative stage a student should concentrate on himself - unmindful of what is happening in the world - or should he concern himself with the activities of the world also. In olden days education was only spiritual and scared. It called upon the student concentrate on the development of his soul, and taught him that the affairs of the world turn one's mind away from the spiritual progress.
But modern education is no more spiritual or scared. The students, who resides in the city watches every moment the life around him. He studies subjects like economics and politics. And takes interest in current affairs, both of his own country and of the outside world. A student discusses the politics of his country and attacks at or sides with the programs and activities of different political parties. He agrees with, or differs from, the views of the government and has his own reason for doing so. Likewise, a student is conscious of the social drawbacks of his country, and has his own remedies for them. So, a student of today is fully in touch with the affairs of the world. The university is not a hot-house or an air-tight box, but a part of the life community, such as, it cannot have an existence separate from the community.
Student Life In Our Country And Politic On BlogPadBut, should students be allowed take an active part in politics ? An interest in politics does not necessarily mean taking an active part in it. The main task of a student is not develop such qualities in him as would make him a good citizen and enable him to shoulder the responsibilities of his future. Any other activity, unless it is conducive to self-development, is bound to clash with this aim. If a student is actively engage in politics he cannot pursue his studies systematically. When the Britishers ruled over the sub-continent, students were called upon to come out of their colleges and help in removing the foreign yoke. At that time the condition were extraordinary. At the time the main problem before the nation was to end the foreign rule, thereby to create conditions in which the country could make real progress. These ends could be achieved only by a joint effort of the entire nation, so students were asked to take part in movement or politics for the sake of independence. But conditions are different today. Now that independence has been won and the struggle for liberty is over, the main problem is to build up a strong and great Pakistan. To solve this mighty problem, men of sound knowledge and character are needed. It is necessary for the students, therefore, to acquire technical knowledge and to develop all those qualities of character which are needed for the construction of their country. If, on the other hand, they indulge in criticizing the government are busy in taking out processions and raising slogans, the real work of national reconstruction will suffer, criticizing the government has a certain charm in it,as it gives the critic a sense of superiority. But a far greater sense of power comes from realization of the fact that we belong to a mighty nation. Besides, students are not mentally equipped to criticized the government policies, nor they have enough experience for that. Economic and political problems are highly technical subjects and can't be properly understood and criticized except by the experts. So students should leave such technical things to their elders, who are wise and more experienced than they are.
But in modern times, it is also essential for students to have a clear knowledge and information of the social, political and economics problems of their country. In many cases the students are ignorant of the real problems. They should, therefore, form the habit of studying such eBooks, pamphlets, magazines and online journals as discuss the political problems of the country. They should also arrange talks with their professors, and with those who are directly concerned with these problems. They can discuss these political matters in college unions and debating societies. There are various ways in which they can understand the political conditions of their country. All such problems can be handled effectively only if they are thoroughly understood.
Students today are developing a hatred towards reading, and it is a bad sign for the future every country. They neglect even the prescribed books, and depend on the shortcuts like notes and summaries, which in most cases, are badly written. The urge for knowledge appears to have ended in them. It is said that unemployment and economic depression are responsible for this condition. But, if we are financially weak and poor and there is unemployment in our country, it does not mean that we should cease to study our problems, instead we should try for their effective solution. In fact, only the proper study of our problems may enable us to find out ways and means to remove poverty and to become a prosperous nation.
The students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. The future of the country rests on them. It is said that the battle of Waterloo was won on the cricket field of Eton. Will not the future historians of our country say that the glory and greatness of Pakistan was achieved in colleges and universities of the country ? Therefore, our students, who form the younger generation, should build up their character through proper education. Our students should be limited to understanding political matters, both of their own country and of the world at large. Now a days the countries of the world are closely interlinked economically and politically that the problems of particular country have to be understood in the wider context. Our students should know that there will certainly come a time when they would be called upon to take a part in practical politics. Therefore, they should prepare themselves for the responsibilities that lie ahead.

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