Thursday, September 27, 2012

Three Disciplines For Children All Parents Should Know

In simple words discipline means submission to the order and the rule, both our mind and body need this. Life without discipline is like a car without breaks. It is necessary for individual as well as social life. Discipline at our homes makes the way easier for the future life of the children. It polishes their character and makes them good citizens. It also helps in their education at school and colleges, and so on impact through out their whole career. Here, we read the three disciplines for children.
The first and most important discipline is the Discipline of the Nature. This discipline is actually a great teacher. A child needs this discipline every time when he tries to do something. He doesn't have to wait long for its result. Moreover. it also indicates towards the necessary correction that nature is impersonal, impartial and indifferent, it doesn't gives or shows it opinion and judgement.

Image| Three Disciplines For Children All Parents Should Know | BlogpadThe second discipline we might call the discipline of the society or culture. Children want to understand that culture, they watch carefully their adults and try to sense. Thus, children very rarely misbehave seriously in the place of worship. They watch and learn keenly from various ritual and want to be a part of culture and society.

The third discipline is the discipline of the superior force. This type of discipline is necessary to some extent only. We can't afford to let a small boy directly experience a danger out there, in the busy streets or to touch the hot pot on a stove, Etc. But there is a lesser danger between child and the bigger danger called punishment. We ought to use this punishment only when it is very necessary either to protect life, health or something like that. Parents should keep in mind that the threat of the superior force is never good for child's character, it could damage children psychologically. To bow to superior force makes a child mentally weak and coward. Therefore, this type of discipline should be used as seldom as possible.

Conclusion : Discipline is very important and must be enforced early in life. Due to discipline a child become regular, punctual and well-behaved person. The outcome of this is that, he avoids a bad company and grows up as a useful member of society.
Read more on Effective Discipline Strategies

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