Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stop Programs To Load On Windows Startup

Prevent To Load Startup Programs

If your head aching increase due to windows start-up and reason for it, is too much time to load. Then I have a medicine for your PC, now stop programs to load on windows 7 start-up with this easy method and speedup your PC performance by simply enable or disable the startup programs.
Go to Start.
Open 'Run' command.
Type “msconfig” and press 'OK'.
A 'System Configuration' window will be open.
Now Click on "Startup" tab.
Here are your windows startup enemies, who take time to load and decrease your PC performance.
Now deselect those (unnecessary) programs that you want to stop.
And select only those programs that necessary.
Apply and you have done.
Picture related to Stop Programs To Load On Windows Startup | Blogpad

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