Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What Should Include In A Business Letter

A business letter should have the following five qualities, usually called the 5 'C's :
It should be (1) Clear (2) Concise (3) Compact (4) Complete (5) Courteous.

Clear : As a business letter is purely an impersonal piece of writing. it should be brief, clear and to the point. All formalities about salutation, subscription, etc should strictly
be observed. There should be no attempt at self-praise.

Concise : A business letter is concerned only with some definite business issues. So. it should be brief and concise. All unnecessary details should be avoided.

Compact : A good business letter is compact and systematic. It should mention everything point by point, and a definite way.

Complete : A good business letter should give complete information about the business in hand.

Courteous : Courtesy is the basic principle of the business. Therefore, every good business letter should show decency and neatness. In no case it should annoy the reader.

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