Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Technique Of Article-Writing

How To Write Good Articles :

Study observation and conversation are the main sources of collecting material for Article-writing. The following hints and tips, however, may guide an Article-writer.

1. In order to have a clear idea of the subject matter, it is always good to think over the topic for a little while and then start the article.

2. In order to make the article systematic and logical, we should always prepare an outline of the article with the help of its main points.

3. Introduction to an article should always be brief and impressive. The common types of introductions are:
  • A general statement having a bearing on the subject
  • An appropriate quotation from some standard author
  • A reference to some well-known view or opinion or website
  • A direct approach to the topic/title of the article
Of  these introductions the last one is considered to be the most modern.

4. A writer should mention all the important points of the article in the introduction, then explain them at length. An article should be divided into suitable paragraphs, each dealing with one single idea.

5. The conclusion should always be brief and natural.

Note: Mentioned techniques can be applied on Essay-Writing

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