Monday, September 3, 2012

Choice Of A Profession For Career Success

Social mediums have completely changed every career and professions.No doubts, success depends on opportunities, but as Carlyle said, 'genius is nothing but an infinite capacity for taking pains'. Even if the circumstances in which a person is placed are not favorable to him, he can, by mere force of will and hard work, win his way to the extent to which his/her abilities entitle him/her. Take the case of Charles Dickens, he started his career as a boy sticking labels on gum bottles, yet by dint of labor, he rose to be one of the greatest novelists of the nineteenth century. Lord Reading too, before he became the viceroy pf India, was a sailor, a stock exchange broker and a politician. True genius always chalks out a career for itself and forces its way to the occupation that suits it best.

In Asian countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, however, parents have a difficult job in choosing the profession for their wards. Pakistani parents are mostly orthodox and superstitious in their outlook. They choose to impose their own will on their children rather than let them follow their own independent course. The result is that a student has no voice in the choice of his profession. A youngster has to follow the will of his parents blindly. He gets no chance to weigh for himself. The success, if achieved in such a case, is merely a chance-gain. In majority of cases our youngsters prove themselves a square peg in a round hole.
Beside the number of professions open to the choice of a Pakistani youngster is limited. A few professions, like Medicine, Law, professorship, Engineering, etc. Which looking charming to him, are already overcrowded and hold little room. In such circumstances the only profession left to a young man is 'service' means joining Army, Navy and Air-force. Thus, our education community is fast becoming a race of clerks. The present state of affairs is a challenge to our statesmen and educationists. New courses of technical instruction must be introduced in our schools and colleges. Our youngsters, after they have obtained their degrees, should be able to seek their fortune only in those lines of career which corresponds to their talents and capacities.
Choice Of A Good Profession For Career Success on BlogPad ipadfour.blogspot.comIt is a hopeful sign that in recent years our government has paid some attention to the encouragement of technical education in colleges and has started a number of technical institutes. The growing population of industrial professions have brought about a distinct change in the outlook of our youth. Until quite recently, there were two peaks of ambition for our young men, either to rise in the administrative services, or to adopt the profession of law. But both these professions represent a static view of society. Still the administrator carries on his work with the aid of conventional practices. The lawyer always talks about  precedents. But the youngster of today looks to new avenues and thinks in different terms. Now they prefer joining the defense services. They also think of becoming economists because they know that an economist plays an important role in the development of modern world. They want, to become engineers, to play an important part in the future. Thus the nature of our society is gradually changing into something dynamic and that is clear from the individual's choice as to what profession he/she should take up. Now our youngsters, let us help, will not try simply to become administrators or lawyers as they did in the past, but will also choose other professions which are vital and dynamic; and thus, aspire to serve their nation in thousands of better and nobler ways like accountant, banker, web-designer, software programmer or engineer and many more, a list of hundred above careers and occupations.

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