Sunday, September 9, 2012

Being 'The Only Child' Is Blessing Or Not

Being 'the only child' is a quite romantic feeling. To have the privilege of parents entire love and care all to oneself, is a pleasant feeling. But being the only child, is also a drawback in many respects. So, like many other matters of daily life, this flower too is not without a thorn. Let us see what blessings or drawbacks come while being 'the only child'.
Firstly, the only child is the center of all the affection and sentiments of his parents. Psychologists tell us when a second child is born, the love for the first one is shared by the new comer. This is why the only child enjoys the utmost affection and love of his family. But there are also some other reasons for this phenomenon. As the number of children increases, the parents become more busy in earnings for the betterment of their children's future. Thus, the parents have only a little money and no time to show their affection to their senior children. But, if one is 'the only child' of his parents, their love and kindness remains constant.

Secondly, if one is 'the only child' of his parents, he can get as much money, food, clothing and education as one likes. But, if there is a good number of children, it becomes quite difficult. Moreover, one has every comfort, ease and facility if one is 'the only child' of his parents. Sometimes 'the only child' also tires to get an undue benefit. As 'the only child' of his parents, one can exploit them to any extent to get undue benefits in addition to the due one. This thing spoils the child and when he face the world as a grown up man, he feels out of sorts with his fellow workers.
Thirdly, one has no example to follow if one is the 'only child' of his parents. If one has brothers or sisters as well, one can follow their example and learn to be happy.
Fourthly, 'the only child' is naturally deprived of the affection of brothers and sisters which, perhaps, is one of the finest passion in the world. 'The only child' feels extremely lonely and does not know how to make up this deficiency.
Picture : Being 'The Only Child' Is Blessing Or Not on BlogpadAnd lastly, there is no spirit of challenge or competition if one is 'the only child'. As we know, it is the spirit of competition that inspire one to serve for higher ends. But if this spirit is not there, as it is in the case with 'the only child', very often one loses interest in life and becomes static. So, one finds, it hard to be a normal man or woman if one is 'the only child' of one's parents. Moreover, 'the only child' gets no training of endurance of self-culture.
So, being 'the only child' is not a blessing. In such cases, one is quite prone to become abnormal. This abnormality may lead to one of the two ways. A man may be abnormal on the right side, the path of progress and glory, or he may be abnormal on the wrong side, the path of deficiency and ill fame. It depends on the wisdom of parents, and on the circumstances, as to whether a boy will grow up with a positive trend or a negative one. There have been some people in the world who being 'the only child' have conquered big lands or have useful inventions. On the other hand, many people have ruined their lives, their career and their character, only due to the fact that they were their parents only child.
An important factor in this regard is the attitude of parents towards their 'only child'. In all cases parents should be careful enough not to show undue love to their children. It is not mere love but 'undue' love which spoils the only child, as he or she has no brother or sister to be frank with. Nut if the parents accord complete frankness, the child is likely to be out of control. On the other side, if they are completely indifferent, the child will feel that the parents are not caring for him or her properly. 'The only child' may develop a sense of loneliness due to his hunger of frankness, and may remain shy throughout his life. So, to a great extent, it is the parents who make or ruin the career of 'the only child'.

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