Sunday, September 9, 2012

What Should We Know Before Using Internet

Etiquette for digital world

As always, I still have a very useful website, every time I find something on the internet, for our benefits. As there is a user guide for each machine before running it. Similarly, before the internet use, there has some very simple etiquette for every internet user, which is necessary to know.

Is a website which I suggest to every user, who relates to technology and the digital world.
What Should We Know Before Using Internet on BlogpadHere is some etiquette from the above website:
"Typing your e-mails in lower case with incorrect punctuation makes you seem like you are uneducated or lazy"

"Writing in capital letters is the online equivalent of shouting or rudeness and is difficult to read"

"During a video conference avoid side conversations".
For more etiquette visit this site :

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