Friday, August 10, 2012

List Of Top Google Services

About Google

The world's current population is 7,060,436,445 (seven billion) on 10-08-2012, so the needs bigger for such great population. These requirements are basic needs. Perhaps you disagree with me but Now Google is becoming our basic need, because we have to depend on someone to gain authentic  information about everything on the world. And Google is performing perfectly his role by providing many fascinating services and facilities for humans.
Google is an American based company and providing his services since 1998, in beginning Google was introduced for internet related services like software, search and marketing. Google has designed for accessible world-widely for everyone who can use the internet. The number of daily unique visitors that search on Google and Google services is 164,385,065 (164.38Million), Google is the most visited website on the web means the global page rank of Google is 1.
Here is I am listing the Top Google services, although there are too many online services and sub-domains of Google and all have their own importance but I am listing the most popular of them by their Global Alexa ranking.

Most popular Google Services :

Google Search

We use Google search daily. Perhaps you will shocked that Google search is mostly used to check spellings online.  I will tell you the tips, that will save your time and you can search quickly on Google.

Google dictionary

Whatever you search, Google will automatically correct the search query. So if you want to search quickly to find meaning or definition of any word, try to search like this

define:any word
or type any word and include word "meaning" after that
blog meaning

Google calculator 

Use Google as a calculator in search result example if you want to add/plus 2 and 13, try to search like this
and Google will give you the result 26 in search rather than on a website.
Other examples:
To subtract use this format 13-2
To multiply use 13*2
And for division 13/2

Google mail or Gmail

After Google search the second Google service by Alexa ranking is Google mail, the daily unique visitors according to compete is 68,180,707 (68.18M).

Google maps

There is no match of Google maps for finding locations and it gives detail about any location. Daily Visitors for Google maps are (67.88M)

Google Plus

Is now competing with the worlds most popular social networks. So it is the fourth top service. The daily unique visitors are 31,886,609 (31.88M)

Google Docs

Manage/edit your documents with this service, daily number of visitors on is 21,028,445 (21.03M)

Google translator

It is very difficult to learn many languages, but Google takes 15 seconds to translate majorities of the languages, luckily you can directly translate Urdu website into English or in any language. 11,446,980 (11.44M) users come across the Google to translate.

Google News

People like to know what is going around the world so they come to Google news. The daily unique visitors are 8,582,815 (8.58M)

Google Images

2,852,109 (2.85M) people search on Google for images and you will shocked that most queries are related to the porn.


After Firefox, chrome is the most popular browser all over the world, the number of daily visitors are 1,101,038 (1.10M)


Get 5 GB free space on Google and upload any file and share with anyone. Daily unique visitors are 1,504,573 (1.50M).

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