Importance of the Development Of Science In Pakistan
Ours is the age of science. In every field of human life science has performed miracles. The most bright and glorious achievement of science in the service of man are in the field of transports, communication, agriculture, education, medicine and war weapons; the last being a necessary evil of the age. Therefore, a nation that wants to survive, must promote scientific research in every field. The world in the modern era is growing populous day by day. Man, so, needs more food and more convenient modes of transports and communication. Continuous research work is needed, to discover and invent new sources of power, food, etc. In developing countries like ours (Pakistan), this need for research in the scientific field is much more urgent than it is in advanced countries. Our Government has realized it very well and trying to put the country on the road of scientific development in all these field.Various research laboratories have been set up to promote the utility of natural resources. There is research work going on to find better ways of building roads, houses and canals. Research to develop crops, to obtain greater yield and cure different crop-diseases is also being carried out. The Agriculture University of Faisalabad is one of the largest research centers of Asia. Our agricultural research scientists have discovered new and better kinds of wheat and rise seeds. Various anatomy centers are also doing research on the breeding of better species of milch cows and buffaloes.

Since 1945, the research in nuclear physics has become a necessary evil for every nation. The mad race of nuclear weapons has not cooled down, in spite of the efforts of the U.N.O and the International Atomic Energy Commission. In such circumstances the nation who lags behind in the race of nuclear-weapons-technology is liable to be destroyed, when a world war breaks out. So, the best way of preventing a nuclear war, according to many thinkers, is to promote the spread of nuclear weapons, though it may seem quite paradoxical.
The Growth Of Population And Natural Resources
There is also a need of research in the field of natural resources and power. The world reservoirs of coal, the first and the foremost fuel for industries today, are expected to last not for more than a century. Oil and petroleum reservoirs too may give way in the near future. So, the only lasting source of energy for industrial purposes in the world of tomorrow are the hydro-electric and atomic or nuclear powers. But the growth in population demands enhanced volume of natural resources of energy for the world in the near future. The scientists have, therefore, come to the conclusion that if the energy evolved during the process of nuclear fission is harnessed and utilized for peaceful purposes, this important need will be satisfied, the countries where science has already developed to its full have given due importance to this need and many scientist of those countries are working in this field.The space craft and inter planetary travel system too are in the process of development. We are still looking towards the future, when man will put the soil of the Mars and Venus to his use. Thus, the future of scientific research is unlimited and it is time to direct all our energies to the task of research in various fields of science.
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