Saturday, July 21, 2012

Add Permalink To Blogger

Blogger is the most popular platform on the net to host free blog or website. Google Blogger gives the freedom to anyone to make a full and free website with hosting and domain name like where you can customize many features especially if you are newbie. You can make your own blog/website on any topic of your choice or you can publish personal videos and pictures. To make a free blog on blogger you just need to sign up at complete your registration process choose your domain name and post whatever you like without any experience or knowledge of HTML.

How to change or Add Permalink To Blogger on blogpad
Today I am talking about Permalink which is recently introduced by blogger. This feature will help blogs to improve more SEO by customizing your blog post address that is permalink.
You can now choose your website post address as I have a post on my blog :
Now I can choose it as I wish like android-application-download-free or it could be simple like freeAndroidApplication
So make better permalink for better keyword ranking.

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