Monday, July 16, 2012

Earn Money Doing Micro Works | Microworkers reviews

Microworkers reviews 10/10

Making money online is the most searched keyword in the Google and it is a general thing that everyone wants to work in their home and wants to earn money by sitting at their home.
So today I am sharing a website which will help you to make some extra money online by doing small jobs and easy micro works.
The site name is Microworkers, It is a world-wide platform where workers and employers meets for work. You can join this site for free and this site accepts members internationally. You just need to sign up here, verify your email address and go to the Jobs tab now all jobs will be there.
Here are the Microworkers Job categories with a short description :

Earn Money online on blogpad tips tricks for bloggersSign up : where a site address will be given to register and verify your email id you will be paid

Click : where you have to click on a given site's advertisement

Search : where the worker will search on Google, Yahoo or Bing

Bookmark : delicious, digg, reddit, Stumbleupon you must have an account on these sites to bookmark or link back to the given site

Social Network Sites : where you have to like a Facebook page, Retweet on Twitter and plus one a Google profile

Voting & Rating :  have to vote or give stars or rating as instructed by the employer

Yahoo Answers : you must have a yahoo answer "level two" account and answer some question to do this job

 Forums : Have to make an account on the forum to make some post or thread

 Download-Install :  to complete this category you have to install some software or download some files

Comment on blogs : have to find a blog from Google related to some keyword and comment on the blog

Write a review :  Blog or website owner will ask you to write some review on your blog or on their blog

Write an Article : website owner will ask you to write a unique article related to a given keyword about 300 words

Classifieds posting : like or

Blog/Websites :  you must have your own blog indexed in Google and have to write a unique 100 or 50 word post on your blog.

You can choose any job according to your skill, when you click on a job, all detail will be appearing on page before doing any work you must read all the detail because this site has a reputation system if your reputation is high, more employers will hire you. So my suggestion is to do less but with your Best
After using some weeks you will know that how correctly and easily you can use

The main features which I like that minimum limit is $10 via Moneybookers, EPayza or credit card
And I am using this site for 6 months and find this site is legitimate and 10/10
And get paid three you can see proof here.

Need any help read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) or comment here.

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