Monday, October 22, 2012

Most Sold Books In The World

Based on the number of books sold and printed over the last 50 years, see a list of top 10 most sold books in the world with their book author name.

10. The Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank - 27 million sold
09. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill - 30 million sold
08. Gone with the wind - Margaret Mitchell - 33 million sold
07. The Twilight Saga - Stephenie Mayer - 43 millions sold
06. The DA Vinci code - Dan Brown - 57 million sold
05. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho - 65 million sold
04. The Lord Of the Rings - J.R.R Tolkien - 103 million sold
03. Harry Potter - J.K Rowling - 400 million sold
02. Quotations from Chairman Mao TSE TUNG - 820 million sold
01. The Holy Bible - 3900 million of copies sold (Past 50 years)
Most Sold Books In The World
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