Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Simple Steps To Finding Sharpest Employees Via Social Media

Using social media to recruit employees is like killing two birds with one stone: You save money by steering clear of expensive traditional recruiting methods. It spreads brand awareness at the same time. So, here are some simple steps to finding your sharpest employees via social media.

Pick the right job board

Simple Steps To Finding Sharpest Employees Via Social MediaThe first step is the most crucial finding the right venue to advertise on. It may sound all too rudimentary, but LinkedIn is your best candidate since its interface is tailored to job-related conversation. You can use it to search for passive candidates and target a specific audience.
Twitter is an alternative, but its 140-character word limit just doesn't allow for much description.
Your Facebook fan page is an excellent place advertise just about anything - including your jib opening. Even better is Facebook's new "Work For Us" app that allows you to post a customized job board on your page, as well.
You can utilize outside search engine like Google to search many social networking sites - and get past LinkedIn "social degree" requirement - or utilize Twitter-specific engines like to quickly comb through bio information only.

Be active in your industry

Making friendships with others in your industry and posting fresh content streams are paramount when it comes to finding new talent. Use your personal or business social media presence to attract as many followers you can. Chances are the someone who is already following you in these channels is the perfect candidate for your open position.
Beyond utilizing your own social media presence, don't underestimate the presence of your current employees. Your extensive social media campaigning will result in a broad swath of candidates to choose from when the time is right.

Screen rigorously

Once you find a bio with credentials that fit the bill, don't stop there; pore through their online information.
Read recommendations on LinkedIn.
Look for these red flags on their profiles:
1. Negative comments about past employers 2. Complaints about work 3. Discussion of illegal behavior.
Google their name. You never know what interesting information good or bad, you'll dig up.
Of course, your focus should be directed towards indicators of what their behavior will be while on the job.

It's still who you know

There are certain truths inherent in 'traditional' ways of conducting a recruitment campaign that still ring true when using social media. One of them is that it's still 'who you know' that counts.
If you're will-connected to begin with, your colleagues will have insider knowledge on who to recruit, who's looking, etc. Social media is a great way to connect with those in your field to get recommendations on potential employees.

It's just the beginning stages

Remember that social media isn't the be-all, end-all tactic of your candidate search. You will of course eventually need to speak with prospective employees over the phone, meet them in person, and pursue them in the way that employers always have, by having them perform a preliminary task to your satisfaction.
Although you may encounter their credentials somewhere online, it is still crucial to obtain a resume. While this may not vary much from traditional recruiting methods, social media allows you to better target your desired pool of prospective hires.

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