Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Easy Ways To Keep A Good Business Reputation

Reputation takes a long time to build but only a moment to destroy. Read here some easy ways to keep a good business reputation on the social pages.

Keep it professional, but approachable

Make sure tone of all interactions and communications is professional. Not only will current clients have access to it, future ones will too. That said, don't be afraid to get a little conversational with fans to prove that you're more than just a team of stiff suits.

Be proactive about responding

try to promptly answer both positive and negative comments on your page. Let's face it, negative feedback can't be avoided. Instead of getting upset, correct the record or quickly respond to concerns with a resolution while maintaining a neutral tone. The longer an inflammatory comment goes unanswered, the more it will stain a good reputation.

Showcase positive chatter about your company

What's the best way to minimize negative? Show positive reviews and quotes about your service or products from real customers, and display them directly on your page so fans can see proof of a virtuous reputation.

Choose friends and groups wisely

Just as it is for real-life relationships, you are who you know. It may be tempting to accept every friend request or join every group, but remember that who you're associated with will reflect on you - whether that's positive or negative.

Learn how to self-edit

Wish you could take back something embarrassing you posted? with the Facebook Timeline setup, account owners can manually edit remove status updates. If you're in a hurry, try the Activity Log, which gives you the option to star, allow, or hid stories so they don't appear on your timeline at all.

Don't overdo it

Overzealous Facebook users are annoying - whether they're personal friends or business pages. If a business makes excessive status updates or Spams fans' inboxes with unsolicited messages, it can guarantee a direct drop in the number of friends or fans.

But don't abandon ship, either

If you know won't have time to maintain and update your page, wait until you can before creating a page. An empty or rarely updated Facebook business page will make visitors think the business does not care, or worse, that they've gone out of business.

Easy Ways To Keep A Good Business Reputation

Related links : Etiquette for digital world
Our recent post : Easy Ways To Destroy Your Productivity
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