Monday, October 15, 2012

Get More Eyeballs On Your Every Post 1st Part

Before publishing a post on your blog remember these 10 key points to make a visitor your loyal reader and to boost up your post views.

Post good content frequently

The number one reason people will return to your site often and the number one reason - why people may never come back again has to do with how frequently you post new content and whether or not what you write is useful, funny or just plain worth reading. But remember original content is the best, because it's stuff people can't easily find elsewhere.

Make your post shareable

Sharable content is the most valuable content on the web and it's what you see circulating all over Twitter, Facebook , Google, Pinterest and all other popular social media sites because people are sharing it.
Just because you post new content, it doesn't mean it's shareable content. Sharable content is easy to share and share worthy. Shareable content has an eye-catching title that is relatively short, it's easy to read, and its juicy. It also has fun high quality images and most importantly. It engages and inspires your readers and makes them feel connected.

Use tools for content curation

Content curation tools have become very popular in the past few years, and if used correctly they can bring a lot of visitors to your posts. There are several very good, free content curation sites available. Content curation allows you to find the best content on a topic you like and put your own spin on it (and maybe you'd even include a link to related post you wrote about on the same topic). You would then share it with others who have the same interests. Using the content curation tools available on the web will open new doors to new readers who you may not have been able to reach before.
This work especially well when you want to continue to spend an old post that still relevant. Take a little time to develop your own content curation plan and you'll definitely notice an increase in page views as a result. Pinterest is probably one of the most popular content curation tools. You see something you like online, you add a sentence from your own perspective and you pass it on to people with the same interests who follow that pin-board. Now imagine being able to do that some thing with text ( posts and links) instead of images. That content curation is all about.

Accept guest writers

Accepting guest writers on your blog is such wonderful thing from so many different perspectives, including bringing more eyeballs to your own posts. Guest writers can breathe fresh air into a blog and offer a new point of view. Each time they publish an article on your blog, they will of course want to share that content with promote them. Each time that happens, it bring new readers to your blog. Those are readers you may have never been able to reach before. If they like what they see, they will be back for more.

SEO search engine optimization

Seo doesn't have to be a big obstacle to overcome. Yes, it's time consuming to learn. Yes, it can add an extra 10 minutes to each post. Every bit of that effort will be worth it though because it will make a huge difference in your page views. This is definitely not a detail you want to overlook. Being on the first page of Google is like having the busiest store in the mall. You want to be there. Research it until talking about it is second nature. Put everything you learn into practice and experiment until you find what works for you. You will notice a huge increase in your page views.

Edit and proofread every word before its published

It's very important that you proofread your final article when you are finished writing it. Make any necessary before it's published. Be sure to check that all your facts are correct, check your spelling/grammar and ask yourself if the overall article is easy to understand. You don't want to miss out on any attention your article might receive just because your readers couldn't understand what you were trying to convey.
Read more : How to Get More Eyeballs On Your Every Post 2nd Part

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