Monday, September 17, 2012

Home Security Tips To Prevent Burglary

When and where burglars invade

  •  Break-ins often occur in the daytime, when you're at school or work
  •  July and august top the charts for frequent break-ins; February ranks last
  •  Open windows are frequent targets during summer months
  •  Back doors are the most common entry point; they often kicked in

What discourages burglars the most

  • Monitored homes security systems
  • Electronic sensors on windows
  • Closed-circuit TC cameras
  • Security patrols
  • Dogs in house
  •  Weapon in the home, including guns
  • Guardhouses protecting neighborhoods
  • Random police walk-by
  • Improved exterior lighting
  • Neighborhood watch programs
  • Safes/strong boxes
  • Local burglar alarm
  • Deadbolt lock
  • Interior lights, especially timed

Homes Security's Best Tips

  • 95 % of burglars surveyed would run if they met a large, unwelcoming dog face-to-face
  • Stop being so social , try, to not post status updates and tweets when you leave your home

How to prevent burglaries

10 tips to prevent your home from burglary

Tips about How to prevent burglary | blogpad

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