Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tips To Grow Online Sales This Holiday Season

There is still time to set up a social page for this holiday season like Mother's day or Christmas. Read some useful tips to grow your online sales.

  1. Offer personalized seasonal promotions - Facebook's Social Graph and Google Analytic can be used to understand a visitor's preferences and therefore show the best products and/or services to a shop visitor.
  2. Leverage 'word of mouth' recommendations - Shopping is a social task and when shopping on social sites, people can like products and share them with their friends leveraging 'word of mouth' recommendations.
  3. Provide users quick navigation - Promote new and seasonal products and promotions with quick navigation elements based on the previous year's favorites.
  4. Leverage marketing consistency - Echo the messaging and creative concepts from other marketing activities such as email offers across all customer contact points.
  5. Drive traffic from and to other channels - A pop-up shop allows you to drive traffic from your website to Facebook and vice versa.
  6. Offer free shipping

See below infographic for more details :
Tips To Grow Online Sales This Holiday Season
You may like : Keep Visitors Engaged To Website
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