Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving Foods That Can Be Dangerous For Your Dogs

Learn somewhat surprising! Thanksgiving day foods that can kill your dog. All we can eat, doesn't mean our dogs should. There are certain items your dog really needs to avoid.

Turkey Skin

High fat foods, like that delicious turkey skin, can be extremely hazardous to your dog's health. The skin holds any marinade, spices, butter and oils and is difficult to digest. High fat foods can lead to pancreatitis. Symptoms include vomiting abdominal pain and lethargy.

Cooked Bones

Cooked turkey and ham bones are not safe for dogs. They can splinter in the dog's digestive track and your holiday may include a pricey trip to the emergency room and worse. Dispose of bones carefully so that your pet isn't tempted to eat them.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic contain sulfides, and can lead to anemia. Onions are more toxic than garlic and cooking them does not reduce their toxic.


Many dogs love the taste of beer, but this does not mean you should share your frosty brew with your best friend. Any alcohol, and particularly the hops in beer, is toxic and in some cases can cause death in dogs.


Specifically walnuts and macadamia nuts and very dangerous for your dog. They could cause a toxic reaction called "macadamia nut toxicosis". Within 12 hours of eating them, dogs are unable to stand, vomiting, having tremors, fever, weakness and elevated heart rate/ Usually symptoms go away but this can lead to deadly shock.


Used to spice sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie, nutmeg can cause seizures and central nervous system problems if your dog ingests it. In extreme cases, it can even cause death. Both sweet potatoes and pumpkin, in moderation, are good for your dog - just make sure they don't have any nutmeg on them before you feed him any!


Sage contains essential oils that can cause stomach upset. Best to keep this herb out of reach from your pup's paws!

Chocolate, Dough and Batter

We all know chocolate is a no-no, but did you know that dough can actually rise inside your dog's stomach, causing bloating and severe pain? Additionally, dough and batter contain raw eggs, which may contain Salmonella. Keep your fur-kid out of the kitchen while you bake and clean up any spills right away.
Happy and safe Holidays!

Use below infographic as a reminder for house-guests and yourself on what’s safe and what’s not! for your dog to eat.

Infographic : Thanksgiving Foods That Can Be Dangerous For Your Dogs
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