Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tips To Social Proof Your Website : Build Your Brand Credibility

Read important factors on, how your small business can tap into the "trust friend" principle and social-proof your site to the nines.

Show off

Embed Tweets

Before, a screen cap was the only way to share a tweet on your blog or website. Now, the embeddable features allows users to push a button and paste the HTML link so that it appears directly on the page.
Tip : If fans post positive comments about your company, blog/website or product on Twitter, you can embed those tweets strategically on your site's front page or close to where the product appears.

Customer reviews and ratings

A recent study revealed that a one-star increase in a business' Yelp rating leads to a 5 - 9 percent increase in revenue. There's no doubt that positive customer review play a strong role in purchase decisions, so show off your great service or product with reviews from real customers.
Tip : Display those words (comments) of praise prominently on different pages to see which position affects conversion.

Allow sharing and Following

Social plug-ins

If people like something o your page, they will be more apt to share it. If they like what you do, they will be more likely to follow you. Make it easy for them to spread the word by installing on your site popular social buttons; Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit and StumbleUpon. Not only will your fans help get your name out to their friends, but you also can measure what content gets shared the most.
Tip : The best places to put social sharing buttons are on blog posts and landing pages and below products, videos and photos. Use or for customized social buttons.

Ask the Crowd

Public Feedback

Customer feedback is invaluable to building and growing your brand. Add questions after blog posts and tweets, and include a feed back form in your "Contact Us" page.
Tip : Even if responses are critical, don't take it personally; accept it as a chance to improve.

User Generated content

User-generated content - such as fan videos, text and photos - boost engagement with existing customers and generates high conversion rates.
Tips : Try creating contests and featuring the submissions on your blog.

Encourage conversations on the site

Customer forum

In order for social proof to really be affective, you need your happiest customers to talk to other potential customers.
Tip : Create a customer community or forum where they can ask each other questions, share experiences, and be their own resources.

Add credibility

User statistics

Nothing says "we're popular, and you should use us, too" like having user statistics on your website that tell visitors how many people have bought, installed, or used the product/service.
Tips : Along with friends' recommendations, consumers place a lot of trust in real statistics.

Expert testimonials

Success stories from notable clients or trusted industry professionals will boost your reputation and help your bottom line.
Tip : Have the testimonials stream and loop on the front page, in the margin, so it's visible but not obnoxious.

Reputation logos

Third-party verification or credibility logos lend a sense of trust for visitors who need the reassurance.
Tip : If you're dentist, post your membership logo for your country dental association. If you own a salon, include the logos of the brand-name products you use. Any high-profile clients? Add those as well.

Take Advantage of online infographics and videos

How to infographic and video tutorials

Consumers are becoming more savvy than ever before when it comes to how they receive their information. Because of this they also become bored easily.
Tips : Mix things up by adding authentic, short customer testimonial videos and infographics on your website.

Source :

6 Ways To Social Proof Your Website And Build Trust In Your Brand : Tips To Social Proof Your Website : Build Your Brand Credibility

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