Monday, November 5, 2012

Emergency Preparation Guide

Read here some basic guides for emergency preparation including the general tips and "what to do in emergency situation" that everyone should know.

What to do during

Volcanic event - Obtain a pair of goggles and a throwaway breathing mask for each member of the household in case of ash fall. Contact your local emergency management office or Red Cross chapter for more information on volcanoes. Follow authorities' instructions and put your disaster plan into action.

An avalanche - Keep your party spread out as you cross avalanche/landslide terrain. Try to make your way feel the snow begins to slow. make a space in front of your face if you end up under snow.

A tsunami - Keep listening for news and updates. Evacuate, if necessary. Stay away from buildings and bridges that could be damaged in a tsunami.

A flood - Turn off all utilities. If you are driving, stay away from storm drains and irrigation ditches. Be prepared to evacuate - if necessary, flee to higher ground.

A snowstorm - Tie a bright cloth onto your car antenna as a signal to rescuers. Stay warm by moving your arm and legs. Get blankets, dry warm clothing, and hot water ready.

A tornado - Hide is a storm cellar if you have one. Shelter should contain blankets, bottled water, transistor radio and first-aid supplies. Do not stay in a building with a freestanding roof, like an auditorium or gym. If you are outside, move away from the tornado's path at a right angle

General Tips
Assume that a disaster can happen anytime. Create a "bug-out" kit for your family (emergency supplies, medicine and basic necessities). Try not to panic. Be informed. Make a plan. Pack some tools. Know how to do more with less; be resourceful. Keep it simple. Know your limits. Stash a few papers (e.g. copies of your driver's license, passport, birth certificates, etc).
Also see worst case scenario video on discovery channel by survival expert Bear Grylls (This man portray potentially life-threatening situations to demonstrate how to easily survive in those situations)

Emergency Prepration Guide IMAGINABLE

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