Monday, November 26, 2012

11 Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

Tired of the same-old and boring restaurants, but still excited to try something new and amazing for dinner tonight? Check out some of the strangest restaurant around the world. Of course you would like to eat in these weird and craziest restaurants.

Ninja - New York City

There are few places where you can enjoy a delicious meal while constantly fearing for your life. This unique restaurants is designed to look like an ancient Japanese feudal village. The staff is trained in the ninja arts and be warned: they will sneak up on you in complete silence.
World's most weird and unusual restaurants : Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

Opaque - San Francisco

Some people say that food tastes better in the dark. With your sense of sight diminished, your sense of taste really comes alive. You can test this hypothesis at Opaque. The servers are blind or visually impaired individuals who have been trained to serve food in a pitch black environment.
World's most weird and unusual restaurants : Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

Hotel De Glace (Ice Hotel), Quebec City, Canada

Be sure to bring some mittens and earmuffs if you plan to dine at the Ice Hotel. It's only open from January to Match and it changes in appearance every year because it's made almost entirely of ice (only the bathrooms are heated and they are located in a separate structure). Food is served on dinnerware made of ice. We recommend ordering the cold cuts.
World's most weird and unusual restaurants : Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

Modern Toilet - Taipei

All the seats in Modern Toilet are real toilets and the food is served on mini toilets. And the signature dessert? Soft-serve chocolate ice cream shaped like you-know-what, of course.
World's most weird and unusual restaurants : Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World : The World's Weirdest Theme Restaurants

Ithaa Undersea - The Republic of the Maldives

Situated 16 feet below sea level, Ithaa Undersea is the world's first all-glass undersea restaurant. if offers incredible views of reef and marine life and the food is pretty good, too.
World's most weird and unusual restaurants : Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

Izakaya Kayabuki - Tochigi, Japan

Drink beer. Be merry. Get served by monkeys. Hahah! Yes, you read that right. At Izakaya Kayabuki, monkeys dress up like human waiters and serve beer to the patrons.
World's most weird and unusual cafes and restaurants : Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

The Clinic - Singapore

Have you ever dreamed of dining on a surgical table, surrounded by medical equipment and with waiters dressed as nurses and doctors serving you? Of course you haven't, but you can give it a try anyhow at The Clinic. Order one of the unique cocktails - some are served in syringes - for the full effect.
World's most weird and funniest restaurants and cafes : The World's Weirdest Theme Restaurants

Nyotaimori - Japan

Nyotaimori literally means "female body plate" and there are a number of restaurants in Japan that allow you to eat sushi off the body of a nearly nude woman. Some even offer a female body made of dough and sauce that patrons can cut into with scalpel to reveal edible organs. Pretty creepy.
World's most weird and unusual restaurants : The World's Weirdest Theme Restaurants : collection of 8 images : worlds most Disgusting and unique eating places

Lunch in the sky - Belgium

Add more fun and eat a meal at 150 feet above the floor, if you are not afraid of height. Your salad and meals will be served on sky-structure chairs.
Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

Mars (theme) Restaurant - New York

Of course you want to know how does it look dining on the Mars? All you need just go in Times Square. You will meet Martians species they will lead you to the table of red planet and serve some specific seafood with a typical menu.
Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World

Devil Island Prison Restaurant - China

HO hO hA Ha ha! The owner of this restaurant reportedly wants to scare hungry folks away from a life of crime by presenting the visitors how tough and rough prison life can be. The food will be served in the area surrounded by rusting prison bars.
World's most weird and unusual restaurants : Weird And Funniest Restaurants In The World
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