Monday, July 16, 2012

Learn About Search Engine Optimization | SEO

Search Engine Optimization In short

In this technological era we depend upon machines and without them we are minus one. Our most commonly used machines is the computer in which internet has been used to connect with each others. The internet has very large number of websites in it and every website is the combination of different contents, products and information.
Seeking for knowledge, discovering new things living up to date is included in human nature. Usually we use the internet for self entertainment or education purposes. The most popular search engine on the globe is Google, where we search for websites related to our daily routine's stuff, etc.
Today I am talking about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which means in simple words is making a website better so that search engine ranked it to the top or gaining a high position on search engine by the uniqueness of a site is called SEO.

Search Engine Optimization SEO on blogpad ipadfour.blogspot.comBasically Search engine optimization divided into two parts or in simply I can say that you can get a higher ranking in search engines by two methods.

1. On Page SEO :

Unique content with proper article or images and linking to your own site's pages or to other posts.

2. Off page SEO :

Make Links on other sites and making more backlinks or link building is called Off page SEO.

Important : Content of a website works like King and backlinks like a Queen
Read here Google-friendly sites

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