Monday, March 11, 2013

10 Ways To Lose Your Data In 2013

Symantec has created a handy infographic explaining the 10 ways to lose your data in 2013 either you are individual or running a small business there are chances to lose personal stuff or business information. It's little make you laugh, but it illustrate some important advices on what not to do and what you should avoid.

10 ways to lose your data in 2013 with tips, how to lose your information

Plug in the USB drive you just found and use it

You wouldn't want to waste free storage, would you? USB storage devices are commonly used to spread malware. Even plugging a phone into your USB slot to change it can spread viruses.

Advertise your absence

Out of office notifications seem innocent but can give cyber-criminals valuable reconnaissance to launch attacks (who to contact, how long or why you're out) - targeted attacks against SMBs (small businesses) doubled to 36% in the past year. Limit the information in your auto-reply so cyber-criminals have less to work with.

Accept friend requests from people you don't know

You can never have too many friends, right? Cyber Criminals use social networks to spread viruses, perpetrate fraud, and distribute spam and phishing messages - 70% of SMBs do not have policies for social media use. Keep your guard up - a friend of follower isn't necessarily who they say they are.

Skip using screen lock on your phone or tablet it's a pain

When a business-connected mobile device is lost, there's more than an 80% chance an attempt will be made to breach corporate data and/or networks. Use the screen lock features with a strong password or "draw to unlock" pattern.

Download mobile applications willy nilly

Mobile malware has increased by an average 55% every month. Only use app marketplaces from legitimate vendors and always read the fine print to avoid apps requiring excessive policies and permissions, like uploading all of your contact.

Send financial reports to your boss via free Wi-Fi at the airport

Mobile devices and free Wi-Fi mean you can be productive anytime, anywhere, but who else is lurking there? 67% of people use unsecured Wi-Fi. If it's an unknown network, use HTTPS connection or opt for a WI-Fi privacy application.

Take confidential data home with you; you're just doing your job

Employees copy confidential data to un-encrypted USBs, send to personal email accounts or upload to file sharing sites - 54% admit to removing information without permission. If it's confidential, encrypt it before it leaves the office.

Click here to confirm your flight or claim your obscure lottery winnings

Attackers hide malware in random email or text messages. These fake messages can be very convincing. If you didn't book the flight or it just seems phishy, don't click - 1 in 367 emails sent to SMBs are malicious.

Wait to back up your files/server until tomorrow, or the next day

Backups take time, but putting them off can devastate a small business - 52% lost productivity and 29% lost revenue in a typical outage. Identify critical resources, use backup solutions and test frequently that recovery is working.

Use Fluffy (your pet's name) for your password on multiple sites

Passwords can be easy to crack 82% of users re-use passwords and 40% write them down. Use unique passwords with 8 characters or more, and letters, numbers and symbols (e.g #$!?), but don't keep them on a sticky note.

What to do?

You are not helpless in 2013 to stop data loss at your home/company. Consider these best practices to protect your critical information. Don't wait until it's too late, know what you need to protect, always encrypt confidential information and data, use strong and unique password combination. Use a reliable security solution(antivirus/antimalware program) and keep it up to data.

Via : Symantec

Saturday, March 9, 2013

50 Tips To Remember While Getting Dressed [infographic]

Just fancy clothes are not enough to make you a perfect man and look, the matter that counts is good knowledge of fashion-rules and trends, and after that choosing the best one that really express your personality, decency and soberness. What actually suits with you is the actual fashion and style. So here I am sharing an infographic on 50 important tips that often dudes forget while getting dressed.

50 Tips To Remember While Getting Dresses, 50 mistakes man make while dressing up
So next time when you getting dressed remember these 50 things.
50 important things that often dudes forget while getting dressed: infographic 2

Friday, March 8, 2013

30 Signs Of Attraction If A Girl Likes You [Infographic]

Perhaps you are confused about a girl and still not sure whether she likes you, or whether she is pretty shy to make a decision or probably she doesn't like you as a partner. In the following infographic you will read the 30 psyche of the girls, that tell whether a girl likes you or not.

How To Tell If A Girl Likes You Infographic, How To Tell If A Girl Likes You 30 signs of attraction
What are the 100% sure ways to tell if any girl really likes you? Before you make a move you want to sure that whether she also interesting in you. Then this infographic is just for you.
How to tell If A Girl Likes You: 30 Signs Of Attraction [Infographic]

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Research Reveals Mobile Device that Indicates High Sociability

The leisure industry holds a veritable gold mine of data that when interpreted and used accordingly and can give a lot of distinctive insights into how today’s modern consumers go about their purchasing and recreational options. Collected from a decade’s worth of data, event agency has compiled the findings in the below infographic from a sample size of over 97,000 people.

Research Reveals Mobile Device that Indicates High Sociability [infographic],  what technology reveals about leisure trends

Who would’ve ever known that a device as simple as a mobile device could already indicate a person’s social girth? Since technology use has been deeply ingrained in today’s psyche, it’s no longer surprising that more and more statistical data are correlating our usage with other, more intangible aspects of our lives.

Case in point is how the study outlined how mobile usage can reveal a person’s average stag group size. Coming in first are iPhone users with more than 15 people in their stag group, followed by Samsung S3 users with an average of 10 to 15. Faring last are Google Nexus users who have an average of five people in their stag group.

More then just one’s mobile devices, predicting which activities will a person go for has also been linked on one’s browser choice. Safari users turned out to be the most social and adventurous due to their inclination to extreme outdoor sports like kayaking, jet skiing and white water rafting among others. On the contrary, Internet Explorer users are content to just go for food and drink activities like traditional meals out, brewery visits and the like.

Relatedly, email use also revealed interesting facts about men’s leisure expenditure for their stag parties. When it comes to expense, the study has revealed that those who use their work emails the most are most likely to spend the highest with a mean amount of £104.62 per person while reversely, AOL users are the lowest to spend with an average paying amount of £92.52.

When it comes to predicting preferred activities, phone network choice has also been linked. The study has shown that Vodafone users prefer lap dance activities while O2 users would rather prefer a night of club hopping. Additionally, Tesco and Virgin mobile users also turned out to be more inclined to go for comedy clubs and pub-crawls, respectively.

For the proportion of strip club bookings by email address, the top users who are most likely to opt for the said activity are as follows in order of highest percentage to lowest: AOL, Yahoo and Hotmail users. AOL users top the list with 25.70%, followed by Yahoo users with 24.62% and Hotmail users with 21.8%.

Average distance travelled is also related with what email a guy uses. It turns out that the most conservative flyers are Gmail users who would rather opt for a local destination for their bachelor party with an average of less than 400 miles of travelling distance while the most adventurous guys are the ones who use their work emails primarily with more than 1,400 miles logged. Coming in second are Hotmail users with a mean of 1,000 miles.

Through the release of this data, we are reminded just how connected our own choices are with technology. From expense considerations to related mobile activities, there’s really a wealth of data that can be gleaned from this kind of findings. See more when you visit!
Research Reveals Mobile Device that Indicates High Sociability [Infographic], what technology reveals about your stag do

In addition, the data was able to identify key trends on how a person’s tech use is related to his stag party preference. More than just the data, however, Chillisauce has also hired expert analysts in order to make
meaningful interpretations regarding the data. As a digitally based company that puts a premium on the best event and bookings in the industry, it has provided groundbreaking revelations about leisure activities. As the first release of their data, you can be rest assured that there’s plenty more of valuable information to come.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

5 Step Blog Profit Plan For Beginners

Blogging is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Unfortunately, I see too many people focused on SEO and ranks and not enough on what pays the bills - sharing!
Rankings are great, don't get me wrong. But too much focus on SEO and you lose sight of what your blog's all about. Bloggers who share opinions, insights, tutorials and resources are the ones who make bank. Get the basic SEO up and then concentrate on sharing. Read, 5 step blog profit plan that will guide, how to make money online with blogging.
5 Step Blog Profit Plan For Beginners

Find out what people need

Profitable bloggers go out and research what their niche need. They never assume. They read comments on Amazon reviews. They peek in on forums and other blogs. They read trade magazines just like a journalist to see what's at the forefront of the niche. And when they start building a community, they listen to those who contact them.

Pick a profitable niche

A profitable niche has four qualities. It has people who are willing to spend money on themselves or their loved ones. It has consumers that want to better their lives for some reason. It has info products for sale - books or digital courses. It has tangible item or tools they can buy.

Sell it to them

One of the most profitable ways you can make money on your blog is to be an info product creator. If someone asks how to keep their golf ball from starting off the left and then veering right, you put out a guide on How to stop slicing. Research it, outline, share the information for a fee. Authors of books (digital or physical) are "experts" in the eyes of the most people.

Tell them where to but it

There are many other info products that you can promote as an affiliate. Buy them, implement them, review then on your blog. That builds trust and loyalty. Also promote tangible items on or other sites where you earn a commission when they buy through your link. Always be protective over your people - never lie.

Spread the word and get paid

Tweet your blog posts, put them on Google+, pin them on Pinterest, share them on Facebook page and have a plugin that allows others to do the same. When you start sharing and people start trusting you, and at the end you'll get conversion.

Most Popular 100 Sports Blogs In 2013

Couponaudit team has created a list about the top sports blogs of 2013 in below infographic. Where sports lovers will meet with their favorite sport-celebrity, latest sport news and updates and every thing that sports fans wish to know. Keep your eyes on the most recent happenings in sports by following 2013's best sports blogs. The numbering is given according to the social following on the sites.
Top 100 Sports blogs to follow in 2013
An infographic by the team at CouponAudit.
Top 100 Sports blogs to follow in 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013

5 Jobs That Extremely Hate Their Bosses

A bad boss can make your life a living hell, as the workers on this list know well. In a survey PayScale asked the employes what they would change about their job - they all wanted a new boss. So the next time you get your teeth cleaned, be extra sweet to your hygienist and give her something to smile about. Have a look on this infographic on 5 jobs that hate extremely their bosses.

Top 5 jobs that extremely hate their boss, 5 worst bosses

Saturday, March 2, 2013

13 Scam Free Ways To Make Money Online

The majority of internet users looking to earn some extra cash online and obviously me too. But most of the online programs are big scam, so I tried to put some of the legitimate and 100% working methods on my this post where you can learn how to make money online.

Become a Freelance Article Writer

If you have a passion for writing, then write an article and submit it to article directories. Your potential clients include website owners, marketers, and small businesses. Get paid to write on scam free sites like,

13 Scam Free Ways To Make Money Online, How to earn money online

Surveys and Questionnaires

After every minute you have probably heard about many scams/fraud advertising work from home opportunities like form-filling, PTC(paid to click), ads-posting, data-entry, etc. However, there are a number of legitimate websites where you can get paid on survey. E.g,

Make Money with eBay

Jim Griffith, head of eBay University stated many people can now fulfill their entrepreneurial dreams without needing a significant amount of money for initial start up and maintenance fees. Start by selling your own extra stuff or other items and get 23-30% of the gross sale. Your customers will be happy to get cash for their old junk, and you'll make some good money selling other people's stuff.

Paid to Review

Set up a website or a blog and start a review site. Website owners and bloggers will pay you to post a review of their site on your site. It helps them get the word out and helps you make money.

Write Articles on

If you are familiar with the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and keyword research, then making money is very easy for you on eHow. This site pays you a percentage of the ad revenue means you will get paid for each article you have written.

Play Games (game money)

On the game site like Swagbucks, Second life, you can make virtual money, which can be exchanged for real money. You get paid to play games.

Affiliate Marketing

You sell other people's stuff for a commission by diverting your blog readers and visitors to them. There are thousands of digital products available like e-books and short reports to promote on sites like ClickBank, CJ(Commission Junction) and PayDotCom.

Help Local Business Owners Develop an Online Store and Presence

The modern idea of selling online becoming more popular day by day. Local businesses have websites, but aren't getting any results from them. Others don't have websites at all. You can learn about SEO, how to set up an email list, and then implementing these for local businesses. Or create use Facebook page for marketing purposes.,,

Make Video Tutorials

People always come for information on the internet, if you have any creative ideas, tutorials, etc. try to capture your interesting stuff, knowledge and talent in video-tutorials, upload them to YouTube and apply for Google Adsense Program to earn money with your videos.

Independent Websites or Blog

An online service/business with a well executed website or blog design and development plan can increase search engine optimization (SEO) and draw the attention of the largest numbers of internet users and potential customers possible. Free blog hosting websites.

Third-Party Platforms

Sites like,, and more can facilitate online sales for sellers by providing online space and a strong internet presence with a large number of viewers and users.

Buying and Selling Websites and Domains

This concept can be likened to purchasing an undervalued or damaged homes, fixing it up and selling it for a profit. Domain flippers take underutilized a poorly maintained domain names that are old or unused and fix them up and make them more attractive to sell to other webmasters. is the best and secure one.

Captcha Entry Work

The one of the easiest form of data entry job is Captcha code entry. Where you can earn money by typing different words. is best, most popular and legitimate site for online data entry job.

Important: Before you join any program or any website on the internet, check the credibility of the site with the help of Google,,,

Other posts you may like on How to make money online.

53 Easy Online Money Making Ideas
10 Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online
10 Creative Ways To Make Money Online
10 Creative Ways To Make Money Online
10 Creative Ways To Make Money Online
Top 10 Ways to Make Money on the Internet
142 Ways to Make Money Online

Friday, March 1, 2013

Is Online Education Right For You?

Online learning classes or education online is more in-demand form of the today's education. Online education considered as an easy way of acquiring knowledge in any field. But, still many people are confused and questioning whether online universities and institutions are less advantageous than traditional schools and colleges. The answer differs from person to person depending on the prospective student's situation. But don't worry this post will help and guide you to decide if online/distance education is suitable for you or traditional face-to-face? Below infographic will illustrate the PROS and CONS, advantages and disadvantages of online schools.
Is Online Learning Right for Me, Is Online Education Right for Me, Is Online classes Right for you, Is Online institutions Right for us

Thursday, February 28, 2013

6 Useful Web-based Services For Internet Users

I love to explore the internet, new websites, applications, online tools that could be helpful in any filed. So I have brought 5 new useful web-based services that you've never heard before.

No matter where are you around the world find out the exact time, or the accuracy of your mobile, clock, or computer time and compare with different locations.

Protect your Facebook account, check your all profile, posts, images, privacy and protection from malicious viruses and links.

Communicate over the net privately, send important and confidential information, or secret notes, Your generated note/link can only be viewed once after that, link will be destroyed.

6 Useful Web-based Services For internet users

Share your web pages, take a screenshot and highlight with circles to let your viewers explain what you want them to see.

No need to download typing tutors, now improve your typing speed, with web based application online for all level typists, totally free.

Now make free 2 minute call to your twitter friends with JAJAH application.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Social Media Explanation By Cats

If you are an active user of social media sites then you have been watching the cats pictures and  cat-talking-trend as well, So bearing this in mind Avalaunch Media has discovered an infographic called Social Meowdia Explained with cats, in which a newbie user can understand the work of the major social sites according the most frequently used words during the communication between these social sites; and how people interact on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yelp, etc. to tout their feline friends.

Social Media Explained By Adorable and cute Cats [infographic]
See also : Explanation Of Social Sites With Coffee

Free Tools for Making Your Own Facebook Timeline Cover

With the Facebook Timeline, users now have more options to customize their page through the selection of a cover photo. For businesses, this banner photo offers the chance to brand your page and to make a big impression when users first visit your page. While you can make a splashy cover image in Photoshop, not all of us have the skills to use the software or to create something professional and remarkable.
For the rest of us, there are several free tools available online to help put together a nice-looking, professional Facebook cover photo. Here are some of the best free tools for you to use:


Start creating your free Facebook cover photo by choosing one of nine templates that show the photo layout. Then upload your own photos or choose from thousands of photos from Pagemodo's free image library. Add your custom text, and you have a beautiful, polished Facebook cover photo that is sure to get noticed.

5 best Free application Tools and websites for Making Your Own Facebook Timeline Cover

Timeline Cover Banner

Choose from thousands of templates that include a background image over which you will lay your own photos and text. You will then get a WYSIWYG editor that allow you to insert photos, shapes, text, and other details. You can manipulate the color, crop items, and more. Once you're done, you simply upload your new Facebook cover photo.

Pic Scatter

If you like the collage look, then this tool is for you. Simply upload the selection of photos that you want to feature, and Pic Scatter will
automatically arrange them into a beautiful collage for use as your Facebook cover photo. There will be a watermark on your photo in the free version, but you can pay for an upgrade to get rid of the advertising and to access additional features.

Face It Pages

The simple set up on Face It Pages will make it a breeze to create and upload your Facebook Timeline cover photo. Just select your layout, upload your photo and add your information. You can include your website, contact information, or other details about your business. Download your photo, and you're done. Face It Pages offers a number of other applications for customizing your Facebook fan page for your business.

Cover Photo Magic

This application tool works right in your Facebook profile so you can make changes and upload your photo seamlessly. Like other applications, you start by clicking the template you like, which can be a layout for your photos or a background that allows you to insert your photos in fun cutout spaces. Add your photos, which are conveniently imported directly from your Facebook page. Save your photo, and it automatically uploads to your page.

There are many more great tools and useful websites available for creating stunning Facebook Timeline photos, including professional software like Photoshop. However, these free tools will help you to create great cover photos in just minutes and are easy to use.

About the Author:
Kim Willington is a freelance writer and researcher for, where she has recently been researching support desk software. In her spare time, she enjoys antiquing and taking walks with her retriever, Spencer.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

50 Top Mompreneur Blogs of 2013 to Follow

Recently I have shared an infographic on 100 top technology blogs of 2013. Here are 50 top blogs of 2013 from the world of the entrepreneur-moms. These famous blogger-ladies talk on various topics, in the list you will meet the hard working moms, who will give you the business and marketing advice, home decoration, health tips and tricks, making money online methods, along with all their suggestions these top 50 Mompreneurs will also teach you how to live the life you have always wanted.

50 Top Mompreneur Blogs of 2013 to follow, Who to follow: 50 Top Mompreneur Blogs of 2013

Source :

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sulfuric Acid Plant 100 Metric Ton Daily Production Images

Here are dozens of pictures of sulfuric acid plant's components, including blower, sulfur yard, sulfur pits, sulfur pump, furnace, boiler, R.O.W.P (Reverse Osmosis Water Plant), Hot Gas filter, Converter/Contact tower, SO3 (Sulfur trioxide) cooling loops/pipes, acid storage tanks, ACT(acid circulation tank), Acid cooler, Scrubber tower, absorption tower, drying tower, control room, industrial electricity generator and many other machines.
I captured these images from my Nokia N73, the name of the plant is Ziminadar Chemical and Fertilizer (PVT) Limited, it produces daily 100 metric ton, with the help of single absorption contact process. ZCFL situated in Punjab Pakistan between the Chiniot and Faisalabad city, near the Madina Sugar Mill, Any organization or any company can buy sulfuric acid from here.

Sulfuric Acid Plant in pakistan, image of Acid Cooling tower

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical and Fertilizer (PVT) Limited, image of Water cooler

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan, Zimindar Chemical and Fertilizer (PVT) Limited, image by irfan, Acid cooling pipes/tower

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina shugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, SO3 cooling loops/pipes.

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina shugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, SO3 cooling loops/pipes.

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical between 100 Metic ton daily production by contact process single absorption chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator,

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical 100 Metic ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, SO3 cooling pipes by pass, SO3 cooler, SO3 cooler fan

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical 100 Metic ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical 100 Metic ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, Convertor/ contact tower image

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical 100 Metic ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, convertor/contact tower, that converts SO2 into SO3 with under temperature of 420 degree celcius with the help of catalysit V5O

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical 100 Metic ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, contact tower/convertor insulated by glass wool, sampling lines.

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zimindar Chemical 100 Metic ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, contact tower/convertor insulated by glass wool, sampling lines.

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, buy sulfuric acid from here

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, buy sulfuric acid from here

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, convertor

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, buy sulfuric acid from here

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, between chiniot and faisalabad, near madina sugar mill, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, cooling tower

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, Control room of shift incharge,chemical engineers

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan Zamindar Chemical 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, rota meter/ process water Gage to control process water flow

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, invertor to control the blower frequency

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, panel for electical engineers/electritions to change over the electricity between wapda and generator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, electritions room

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, electritions room

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, industrial level diesel generator to produce electricity

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, horizantally situated diesel storage tank for generator

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of blower to suck the air or oxegen

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of blower to suck the air or oxegen, backside view

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of blower to suck the air or oxegen, front view

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of standby/2nd blower to suck the air or oxegen, front view

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of blower to suck the air or oxegen, front view

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of blower to suck the air or oxegen, blower motor

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of blower to suck the air or oxegen, blower motor

Sulfuric Acid Plant image of blower to suck the air or oxegen

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, how to prepare sulfuric acid on industrial level

Sulfuric Acid Plant, high voltage transformer room

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, buy conc sulfuric acid from here

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, buy concentrated sulphuric acid

Reverse osmosis water plant images / 9000 liter/ 9 M.Ton hourly production

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, Air/Oxegen Drying tower, Absorption tower with scrubber tower

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, convertor

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, dry tower, absorption tower and scrubber tower images

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, how convertor/ contact tower works

non return valve (NRV)

Globe valve image/ picture

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, convertor snap

gas cutter or gas welding holder

Heat exchanger

heat exchanger , Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator


Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, Hot Gas Filter

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, waste esteem out cylinder

sand filter

Pressure vesicles in R.O.W.P

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator


Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator


Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

R.O water tank

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, Boiler

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, boiler

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, boiler

boiler image

boiler feed water pump and boiler image

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

boiler vant valve

spacer between boiler and furnace

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

suphur pits

boiler header cylinder, boiler esteem header cylinder

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator, image of sulfuric acid pits while shutdown, and sulfur pump

sulfure in pits

sulfur pump

 main sulfur pits

sulfur pits

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

sulfur yard/ sulfur storage stock


Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

High voltage transformer

Gate valve for esteem turbine


Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

industrail Generator to produce 50 horse power

main electricl panel to control the whole sulfuric acid plant


main panel for procces plant operator to control the temperature

Furnace image

control room

Acid circulation tank (ACD) the heart of the sulfuric acid plant

Furnace Diesel burner

diesel burner pump

esteem trape

furnace where sulfure convert into sulfur dioxide SO2

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

Sulfuric Acid Plant in Pakistan 100 Metric ton daily production by contact process single absorption, image by irfan ahmad plant operator

tank for making the solution of caustic soda


ACT pump motors

NRV non return valve