Monday, March 11, 2013

10 Ways To Lose Your Data In 2013

Symantec has created a handy infographic explaining the 10 ways to lose your data in 2013 either you are individual or running a small business there are chances to lose personal stuff or business information. It's little make you laugh, but it illustrate some important advices on what not to do and what you should avoid.

10 ways to lose your data in 2013 with tips, how to lose your information

Plug in the USB drive you just found and use it

You wouldn't want to waste free storage, would you? USB storage devices are commonly used to spread malware. Even plugging a phone into your USB slot to change it can spread viruses.

Advertise your absence

Out of office notifications seem innocent but can give cyber-criminals valuable reconnaissance to launch attacks (who to contact, how long or why you're out) - targeted attacks against SMBs (small businesses) doubled to 36% in the past year. Limit the information in your auto-reply so cyber-criminals have less to work with.

Accept friend requests from people you don't know

You can never have too many friends, right? Cyber Criminals use social networks to spread viruses, perpetrate fraud, and distribute spam and phishing messages - 70% of SMBs do not have policies for social media use. Keep your guard up - a friend of follower isn't necessarily who they say they are.

Skip using screen lock on your phone or tablet it's a pain

When a business-connected mobile device is lost, there's more than an 80% chance an attempt will be made to breach corporate data and/or networks. Use the screen lock features with a strong password or "draw to unlock" pattern.

Download mobile applications willy nilly

Mobile malware has increased by an average 55% every month. Only use app marketplaces from legitimate vendors and always read the fine print to avoid apps requiring excessive policies and permissions, like uploading all of your contact.

Send financial reports to your boss via free Wi-Fi at the airport

Mobile devices and free Wi-Fi mean you can be productive anytime, anywhere, but who else is lurking there? 67% of people use unsecured Wi-Fi. If it's an unknown network, use HTTPS connection or opt for a WI-Fi privacy application.

Take confidential data home with you; you're just doing your job

Employees copy confidential data to un-encrypted USBs, send to personal email accounts or upload to file sharing sites - 54% admit to removing information without permission. If it's confidential, encrypt it before it leaves the office.

Click here to confirm your flight or claim your obscure lottery winnings

Attackers hide malware in random email or text messages. These fake messages can be very convincing. If you didn't book the flight or it just seems phishy, don't click - 1 in 367 emails sent to SMBs are malicious.

Wait to back up your files/server until tomorrow, or the next day

Backups take time, but putting them off can devastate a small business - 52% lost productivity and 29% lost revenue in a typical outage. Identify critical resources, use backup solutions and test frequently that recovery is working.

Use Fluffy (your pet's name) for your password on multiple sites

Passwords can be easy to crack 82% of users re-use passwords and 40% write them down. Use unique passwords with 8 characters or more, and letters, numbers and symbols (e.g #$!?), but don't keep them on a sticky note.

What to do?

You are not helpless in 2013 to stop data loss at your home/company. Consider these best practices to protect your critical information. Don't wait until it's too late, know what you need to protect, always encrypt confidential information and data, use strong and unique password combination. Use a reliable security solution(antivirus/antimalware program) and keep it up to data.

Via : Symantec

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