Wednesday, December 26, 2012

An Interview With Theclevercat: A Talented Freelance Writer

Theclevercat a talented Hubber reveals what it's really like to be an Apprentice, create Videos on HubPages, and work as an online freelance writer and blogger.

An Interview With TheclevercatShort Bio : Fashion, cooking, barbie, arty, crafty, reading and writing and singy and laughy gaming and gadgets and emerald rings, these are a few of favorite things of theclevercat of north Massachusetts! During the day, she works as an administrative powerhouse; by night... blogger, gamer, and freelance writer.

You cover all sorts of subjects on HubPages. What is it that determines the focus of the next Hub you will write?

I only have one rule… I write about fun things, things that have improved my life, made me think, or made me laugh. No boring bits here! I usually get caught up in topics and want to learn all about them, do my research and find something especially interesting that I’d like to share, and that’s how the idea kernels pop. Also, my Hubs often seem to come along in series form… like my color psychology series or my pieces on DMs, for example.

Has your experience in the Apprenticeship Program been what you expected it to be?

Actually, no. I had no real expectations when I was asked to participate in the program, but I figured it would be a lot of work. What I didn’t count on was the sheer amount of it! Jotting off an opinion piece or even a thoughtful blog post is completely unrelated to this kind of writing, due to the vast amount of research, photo and video generation, design factors, and just plain thinking involved in providing an excellent product.

I definitely didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did, despite being tempted to throw in the towel out of pure exhaustion about halfway through. It’s not until you have committed to a goal of eight well-written Hubs a month that you realize how complicated a topic can be… and there were times I thought I had actually run out of ideas. But I had a great team (the Scribe Tribe) and we supported each other throughout the process. I met some great Hubbers and nice people and that was the icing on the cake of a growing online portfolio.

You created some fabulous Video entries for the Rigorous Review Contest. What inspired you to present your  Doc Marten shoe reviews in video and written form, and what was it like creating those entries?

Well, I have always been interested in video from the point of view of holding the camera, but it never seemed to click for me being in front of it… until I took myself out of the picture! Once I did that, I was able to see what worked and what didn’t… then I learned the basics of video editing and I was off. And a shoe is an easy subject to stage-manage, since it doesn’t talk back. Ha!

The reason I also put together write-ups is because not everyone enjoys videos… and if they are searching the page for a certain word, they’ll never find it in a video either. I believe it’s important to always follow up something you said with something you write. Maybe it’s the administrative assistant in me, but it just works. Also, once you’ve put together a video, the writing takes very little time, because you’ve already made your main points.

You share on your Profile that you're a freelance writer. How did you get started in that line of work and what it is like to be a freelance writer as well as someone who writes recreationally?

I started freelance writing about three years ago for Demand Studios at the behest of my sister,  Brainy Bunny, with the simple financial goals of earning $100 a week toward a new camera and laptop. After a lot of training to write according to their rules (and a lot of boring topics!), I was able to earn those rewards and took on some other non-DS consulting gigs, while honing existing writing skills and learning others, like localization. I also consider HubPages a type of fun freelancing.

For me, freelancing is not actually my day job, it’s more of a way of earning some pocket money. But during my day job, I also do different forms of writing, and can “write” in different voices, which is a valuable skill to master and one of which I am proud. Writing articles for money and under a timeline is a completely different animal than writing for yourself, for fun and relaxation. Although I consider myself successful there, I had a lot of trouble accepting the “rules” of Demand Studios, and often I felt like the editors made my articles less readable. That’s one of the reason I enjoy HubPages so much. There are very few rules, I can write about whatever I please, and format my articles the way I like them!

On your Profile, you also share dreams of writing a novel. Do you have a plot or characters already in your head?

In fact, I participated in the  National Novel Writing Month challenge in 2009 and completed the challenge and the book way back then! It requires more work, but I do plan to publish it, maybe on my own, maybe even in 2013 (if I'm able to set aside my hubbing for a while)! The name of my novel is Jocelyn's Body, and it’s about a young woman who has an out-of-body experience.

How’s this for a blurb? “What would happen if you lost your head? How about your whole body? After one too many out-of-body experiences, Jocelyn’s spirit needs a home. She discovers what she is capable of as she attempts to regain her physical self in this dark story of love, revenge, isolation, and self-realization.” I might even share a "teaser" chapter in several months, so keep your eyes out!

Are your future plans for HubPages the same plans you had when you first came to the site?

Nope! I originally thought I would treat HubPages as a repository for some of my short fiction, or maybe I would put together a Hub about each of the Barbie dolls I've collected. It occurred to me about how nice it would be to maybe earn a few bucks, but I never actually thought it would happen. Having written a blog for over four years, I kicked myself for a while about some of the book and product reviews I'd done during that time, too.

My sister is the real culprit for getting me started on HubPages as well. If only we'd known about HubPages years ago! Now, I write whenever I wish and without a deadline, and I feel like the sky's the limit in terms of earning potential. I get ideas all the time, and that feels great, too. I enjoy updating my Hubs and that truly appeals to me. Also, I get a real kick out of comments. If only I could read Google's mind in terms of searches and traffic patterns...

What are your tips for writing successful Hubs?
Have a real point of view, and write from your heart. Also, never regurgitate facts... readers can find ordinary facts anywhere. I have found that my most successful Hubs are the ones that came pouring out of me, or have the text just about writing itself from start to finish. (These Hubs end up being my favorites.) If you have to force the language, it’s unlikely to be successful. People should be able to see from the first few sentences that you care about your topic and they will react to that.

Of course, I also try to include as much personal media as is feasible… and again, if it’s silly, it’s better. I'm not above looking a little goofy. Me in a helmet made of a bucket? Sure. What about my cat stealing some catnip during a video? Why not? If it makes me laugh, it might make you laugh, too... and I want people to leave my Hubs feeling good.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How To Keep Your Laptop In Tip Top Condition

Nearly 90% of college students own laptops. They're a big investment for anyone, but most college students don't have the extra funds sitting around to replace them when they break down. A few simple techniques can keep your laptop running for the whole length of your college career.

How to keep your laptop computer in tip-top condition, Laptop Safety Tips

Always run your laptop on a smooth, hard surface

Though the name suggests otherwise, never set your laptop on your lap - or pillows, blankets, or other soft, uneven surfaces. These can prevent airflow to the bottom of the computer and cause overheating, one of the biggest contributors to computer failure.
The heat from a laptop can reduce sperm count in men by as much as 40% when placed on the lap.

Put your laptop to sleep before putting it in your bag

Don't drop your laptop into your backpack as soon as you close the lid. It often takes several seconds for the hard drive to shut down, and it can be damaged from bumps and movement while still running in the mean time. Just to be safe put your computer to sleep before closing it.
Laptops are 80% more energy-efficient than desktop counterparts. They also ran 20% more efficiently when plugged in.

Don't leave your laptop plugged in 24/7

Constantly charging your computer can degrade the battery and shorten its life. If you use your laptop as your desktop, make sure to unclog 2-3 times a week so the battery can get the exercise it needs to stay healthy. Similarly, don't leave your computer without any battery at all for long period of time, as this too can cause degradation.
Every year, Americans homeowners waste $4 billion on vampire power, the electricity consumed by devices that remain plugged in but not in use.

Clean out your computer once a year

Exercise dust build-up is one of the most common factors in compromised computer performance. Use compressed air, a vacuum, or cotton swabs to keep all openings clear year round (also works for the area beneath the keys), then open up the case once a year to gently clean the insides (repair shops will do this for you if you're squeamish about such things).
Major buildup can make the internal temperature of a computer rise as much as 30`F - A level which can cause complete failure.

Shut down your computer every few days

Many of your computer's normal maintenance tasks revolve around your computer shutting down and starting back up, including clearing caches and short term memory and installing system updates.
For those of us who live on our laptops this is often tough to remember, but it can work wonders (especially if your machine has been behaving oddly).

Be prepared for thieves

Most immediately turn to the police when their laptop is stolen, but even with locating software installed, it can be difficult for the police to get a warrant to reclaim the laptop.
The best solution is encrypting sensitive data. Using an open-source tool like TrueCrypt is like a safe for one's computer: a thief may get in the front door, but they can't get to the valuable goods. And though it goes without saying: never leave your laptop unattended, and lock your dorm room door even when leaving for just a few minutes.
According to the FBI, a laptop is stolen every 53 seconds, only 3% are ever recovered.

Backup everything

And though it may seem like obvious advice, many people just don't do it. For students, the stakes are especially high as papers, notes, and projects can all be lost permanently. Buy an external hard drive from a reliable brand and backup at least once a week - you'll be safe in case of theft, crash, or spilled beer.
A gigabyte of data is very cheap in 2013, so there's no excuse to not backup your files.

Source :

Monday, December 24, 2012

5 Best Cloud Applications for iPad

In this high-tech era, the people are using both smartphones and computers in their routine life. They have some files store on iPhone while other on computer so they often need to use cloud storage for synchronization the data and files of both devices. Thanks to cloud applications of iPhone, we can effortlessly store our music, data and files at one place and then to access it from either computer or iPhone. Though in App store, you will find a wide variety of cloud applications for this iDevice but I would like to share 5 best.
So, read more and explore most useful applications.

5 Best Cloud Applications for iPad, iPhone, Smartphones

1. DropBox

I really like this cloud storage application as it makes it simple for the users to store all his videos, music files, data files and photos at one place. After saving the files, he can access through any computer, iPhone or iPad anytime. Even this data is available on Dropbox website. You can create favorite list just to view the files quickly. Sharing of file is also made simple and easy. This application is mostly used in corporate environment where co-workers save files at Dropbox and share the links with each other. On the move work is becoming easier via this cloud application.

2. Online File Folder Mobile

This application comes from the house of GoDaddy and thus, it allows the users to save their data, files, photos and videos at one place. One you have done with saving, you are free to take a look of everything from your home PC and office tab. If you are traveling and want to check the progress report of a project, your co-worker will save file from his PC and you can check it right from iPhone.

3. Box

It is among those cloud applications which are designed for increasing the workforce productivity. After making a box account, you would be able to save, edit and share the files with your co-workers and thereby, perfect collaboration can be done effortlessly. After sign-up, you get 10GB+ cloud space which is good enough to store documents, spreadsheets and presentations. A number of companies are relying on this application of iPhone as file sharing, saving, searching and editing become quite easy via it. Employees
feel a less burden of work because of it.

4. SugarSync

If you want a remote control for your computer file then it’s iPhone which provides you what you want. You can download SugarSync on iPhone and then to get access to all your computer files, music, photos and videos. Whenever you are away from home or office, you can easily find all your files on iPhone. You are free to edit, delete or share a file whenever you want , wherever you need.

5. SlideShark

This application allows you to upload your presentation from your computer to the slide account and then to access this presentation from your iPhone. You can show your new project presentation to your boss by tapping on your iPhone. There is no need to use USB for copying file to other desktop. I think every iPhone user must need to take advantage of these cloud applications. These apps allow you to have a full backup of important data and files and to get ready access of every file of computer.

Author Bio:
Richard Thomas owns an IT enterprise and he knows the value of cloud applications. Therefore, he shares the best applications list for those entrepreneurs who want to see a boost in the productivity of their workforce.